Device Details


Name | Version: gd-freezeframe 1.0
Author: asteriskVT
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: gd-freezeframe is a Max For Live device that I originally created in the Max/MSP Pluggo environment around 2004 & updated for M4L in 2023. It uses a crude reverb to freeze the incoming audio at a set interval. The plugin automatically crossfades between two frozen reverbs. The time interval (speed) also determines the randomization of the room size, damping and stereo width. 


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jul 06 2024 05:14:45
Date Last Updated: Jul 15 2024 14:02:09
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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07/14/24 - updated UI to work with all Ableton themes. added manual button for when toggle / metro is off. changed the output slightly to try to even out the gain discrepancies.

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