Device Details


Name | Version: gd-lupus 1.0
Author: asteriskVT
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: gd-lupus is a Max For Live device that I originally created in the Max/MSP Pluggo environment in 2002 & updated for M4L in 2024. This is a 4 channel stuttering / looping effect. It takes the incoming audio and records it into 4 different buffers and each buffer is subjected to random playback slices. Each channel fades up and down at an independent time. First parameter in the row is the speed of the fades, the 2nd parameter is pitch and the 3rd parameter is how fast it skips around in the buffer. Each parameter can be randomized by the button next to it. Click the green toggle for some fun! 


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: Jul 10 2024 18:00:07
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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Another "poster" who doesn't even response or read the 'lil advices comments.
right?!?! its too funny. people like, "any questions, feedback etc, contact me" then nothing

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