Device Details


Name | Version: LOOP PARADOX 1.0
Author: RemoDeVico
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Loop Paradox is an innovative audio effect that continuously records a buffer of a few seconds,
selecting and playing back random segments at unpredictable speeds.
The loop regions and playback speed change autonomously,
while the rhythm can be freely adjusted or synced to Ableton’s tempo.
Perfect for rhythmic experimentation, it is highly versatile and works beautifully with traditional instruments,
voice, or as a creative microphone effect for unique sonic textures.

Tip: Always record everything you do onto a new audio track, as you might not recreate the same settings when reopening the project.


Live Version Used: 10.1
Max Version Used: 8.0.4
Date Added: Jan 21 2025 19:35:26
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: None
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hey, this sounds perfect. is this gen~ code by chance?

I'm trying to focus my max purchases on things built in gen~
Great idea!   I'm interested in buying it but curious how the results differ from say a looper with a S&H controlling the playback speed?   Any difference?
hello everyone,
the device is different from a looper, because the recording never stops, records your last seconds and implements random musical actions in speed and regions.
I tried a few runs on the voice and I have to say that it seemed like a lot of fun to use.
instead to answer the other question, the device does not use gen~
Good Music.

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