Device Details


Name | Version: Live Clip Chopper 34
Author: Myralfur
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: A Max4Live device for controlling the playing position of clips within Live. Using a button grid interface, i.e monome, you can chop up and mash any beat, break or loop into new patterns.

Currently supports Monome and monome emulators. Native Launchpad version to come soon.

Concepts based upon the Monome application MLR, but all within Live using your Live Clips! No need to buffer a whole sets worth of samples in Max!


Live Version Used: 8.1
Max Version Used:
Date Added: Mar 01 2010 12:27:51
Date Last Updated: May 31 2010 09:14:15
Downloads: 19065
License: AttributionNonCommercial
Average Rating (8)

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Device File: Live Clip Chopper r34.amxd


omg omg omg
utterly request apc40 support as well
this is my absolute favourite for my arduinome and the competition includes mir, 7up and so on. this is a masterpiece in effortless use and to throw in 64 clips and just beat it, so musical and fun! the updates gets it more and more stable and i appreciate the added from features.
big thanxz from john in stockholm.
Superduuper! Only needs the "innerloop" function of MLR..
Oh, never mind, guess I can use the record function..
apc40 support please please please
How would I alter this for apc40 myself? Have to download and take a look at it.
great one :) any chance for a Launchpad version !? thanks !!!
Is there a documentation or "manual" for live clip chopper? I don't know how to use it.
Check the readme file for documentation.

I'm hoping to add support for midi soon. Unfortunately I don't have a Launchpad or APC40 to test it on, but the monome emulators work for now.
Check the readme file for documentation.

I'm hoping to add support for midi soon. Unfortunately I don't have a Launchpad or APC40 to test it on, but the monome emulators work for now.
You can check the manual and get the full zipped download including readme, LiveOSC, normal and light versions from the link above and here:
You can check the manual and get the full zipped download including readme, LiveOSC, normal and light versions from the link above and here:
still my favourite and love the added features. for some reason I have to add the prefix manually and alter the local to 8001 in my monome emulators for arduinome and block wich wasn't the case with version 30.
this is not a big deal and it's still by far the patch of the bunch of 214 I use the most. this one could possibly boost the monome community out of it's, for now, circular motion. lov'it and many thanxz again!
Is it possible to use this with the Launcphad or will there be another Launchpad-version?
34 version update works absolutely flawless on my different systems. thanxz again for this update of my favourite M4L patch.
This is fantastic, just what i've been looking for, this can be used with a launchpad, just use a monome emulator. ive been using monomemu and it seems to work for the most part ok. I have notice a few glitches which may be due to me using monomemu. The looping can be a bit stubborn sometimes, not wanting to actually loop. and sometimes when it is looped, it seems to slip out for an extra 16 note before going back to the loop (a 16th behind). Ive also noticed that the chopping is a bit random sometimes, when i trigger the first beat of a bar quite often there's a click or pop, and the first halve of the kick drum is cut off. Despite these issues this is still awesome. Im waiting with baited breath for the launchpad version :)
Install help! Hey guys, I hope I dont sound to much like a noob here..but I just bought max the other day and Im blown away by all the hard work guys are doing and what they are putting out..

The problem I am having is that I have no idea how to install these devices, do I import them after live in open? how do I actually get to using these things? Any help would be appreciated..
lairdriver: load up live, and drag the amxd file into your max 4 live audio effects folder on the left. Should be good to go.
yeah apc request pleasepleaseplawese
APC 40 Please
+1 For the launchpad native version. Please please please!
this is sweet. you should just get a monome too. using it with apc40 (controlling mixer and scenes) and monome (chopping clips in scene). The apc has a yellow block and the monome area has a red one. maxforlive is amazing.
+1 for launchpad version. Thanks :)
Good work - native launchpad version would be good!
Super Bump for native launchpad version. been experimenting with it with monomeemu..quite a bit of latency.
is it possible to have more than one row of clip mangling happening at the same time ?
seems i'm limited to the top row of the launchpad at the moment ?
and can't figure it..
still., AmaZing!! thanks so much for your work!
bump launchpad support
It works with launchpad via monomeemu.

I'm still figuring out all the kinks, but its working pretty well so far.

I wish you could save patterns so that you could stop them and play them back later. Also, once a pattern is looping, the only way to mute it is by taking the track volume down to zero.

I'm actually having some problems getting it to work with monomeemu, it's something with the object monome_myr_lcc that's causing it to freak out, even entering the prefix and port numbers manually doesn't work. When I go to the max window and hit connect in the Live Clip Chopper window, with monomeemu set to autofocus, it gives me several error messages. the first reads "zeroconf.service: no such object---binding to port 28888" and the other reads "zeroconf.service: no such object---binding to port 13898", but I'm pretty sure these have to do with it not being connected rather than why it is not connected. I'm still adapting to Max from PD, and am not familiar with using the monome relevant OSC stuff, nor too much with max for live patching, but it would be great to get this to work with monomeemu.
@jysta - i've had similar problems as phlemz here. is there any manual or description online for setting LCC up with the LP? i've been using the new mlrv 2.2 patch recently which is great, but still a little buggy on the launchpad. check it out here:
great program and i encourage anyone interested in sequencing audio to try it out and donate to the effort. i know they are working on LP bugs at the moment.
i'm hoping to get something reliable working so that i can chop samples in a live situation... maybe i'll hold out for a monome
hmmm not sure what to tell you fellas (unless of course you're ladies, but typically this music geekery is left to the gents)...

So long as I drag an instance of monomeemu into the session view first and then drag LCC in it works fine.

My typical step by step is simply:

-open new set
-drag monomeemu from device browser to session
-drag in LCC
-set monomeemu to autoconfig
-press LP1 in monomeemu twice (launchpad does a cool little light up thing from the bottom right to the top left :p )
-set LCC to Auto Configuration (on the right side of the LCC device view)... after setting up the LP in monomeemu, LCC now lists "monomemu1"
-press the big "LCC" oval on the left of LCC's device view

and then it works....

Dunno what else to tell you. I'm running live 8 on os x 10.6
Oh man... as Ms. Cleo would say, dat's da daddy. I found an older version of LCC (Live Clip Chopper r34, as oppose to the r35, which I think I got off of the monome wiki; it allows you to choose between autoconfig and manual config) that will work if you do everything EXACTLY in the order jysta said. So excited I finally got this working...
actually, has anyone else been having problems with this device? Ableton crashes on me all the time at start up and shut down with me. Frequently when I quit a set with this device in it, ableton spits out an error message saying "Ableton live quit unexpectedly"... which it didn't. anyone else?
How do I save the clip/track select number, everytime I open this up it just goes back to the defaults?
LCC + monomemu + launchpad = latency

please help!

mlr is much more easy to groove, but i really need the editing in my session (live chopping) and as far s i know LCC can do that.

i'm having problems clip mashing from the monome. i can launch the clips via my mouse in the monome display in the maxforlive device. but when i press the buttons on the monome nothing happens (the just move across the screen). at this point i assume I'm missing something basic. help?

thanks in advance,

btw.. i have updated my liveOSC to the most recent version
no worries,

for whatever reason it works fine now. i guess i should be patient. thanks again for the great M4L device
Attention programmers: I want to see if I can hire you to help me with a max for live project. I love the pattern recorders in MLR. Basically I want to you to take the pattern recorders from MLR and make them their own max for live midi plugin for midi looping.
Would you be willing to help me? If so we can negotiate your price. Email me @
+1 for Launchpad support!
I love this device, but since updating to live 9... it causes an immediate crash when I drop it onto a track.
I've noticed it's only when LiveOSC is selected as a control surface... if I disable liveosc before loading the device, it works fine... anyone else having this problem?
With live 9 and launchpad crush too, not when you load it but when yo try to connect to monomeemu.

crashing live 9 every time (I'm getting the never-ending colorwheel) any suggestions or updates would be great!

"I've noticed it's only when LiveOSC is selected as a control surface... if I disable liveosc before loading the device, it works fine... anyone else having this problem?
Posted on March 06 2013 by djzach"

not sure what is meant here but I'm willing to try it with more explanation... Is this a PC thing?
It’s a superb idea.
But with 9.2.2 + Launchpad live crashses too.
Are there any plans for an update?
This would be great.
Or are there any workarounds or similar devices?
This would be great, too.

Any news or updates on this? I want to be able to get it to work. Any alternatives?
instant crash in live 12

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