Device Details


Name | Version: APC Mono Sequencer 1.0
Author: datadebt
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Add APC40 hardware control to the Mono Sequencer to create basslines and melodies in minutes without ever touching a mouse or a MIDI keyboard. Unlike other grid-based step sequencers for the APC, this uses the grid to show you a complete sequence of up to 40 notes while you quickly adjust the pitch, velocity, octave, and duration of each step with the ringed encoders. This gives you much more precision as well as complete variety in note selection.

This patch modifies the Mono Sequencer by Cycling '74 with a brand new control layout, but leaves all the original functionality intact, including multiple pattern storage, mouse editing, copy/paste, randomization, and variable timing.

Check out this tutorial video to get a quick introduction to sequencing using only knobs and buttons:

Uses parts of the original APC Step Sequencer by Mark Egloff:


Live Version Used: 9.1.6
Max Version Used: 6.1.6
Date Added: Nov 12 2014 04:20:36
Date Last Updated: Nov 12 2014 04:26:37
Downloads: 10686
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
Average Rating (2)

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Device File: APC Mono Sequencer.amxd


Very nice, please tell me it works for APC20 too! I can't make Mark's Egloff device to work on my set up (Live 9.1 / Mac OSX 10.9.5) if you can give me any indication that would be amazing. Thank you very much datadebt !
Now is working all fine, same settings... APC20 (Live 9.1 / Mac OSX 10.9.5 / Max 7) Mark's version doesn't work... I dunno why. And I have to say thanks again, this a very creative, useful tool. Cheers man!
Im on a different setup but the original MarkE. Seq recently stopped working for me. It makes all the lights on the APC respond really sluggishly and sometimes they dont update. I had to give up using it.

This seq looks amazing. I cant wait to try it. can you use multiple instances?
Hi FirdousEbareen,
I'm not sure if it does work with the APC20, as I don't have one to test with. The principal functionality is designed for the macro controls (the 8 ringed encoders on the apc40) which aren't present on the APC20. I suppose you could use the cue level knob as a universal control, and then select the control parameter using the scene launch buttons instead. Happy to try to implement it in a future version if you think it'd be useful.
Hey johnisfaster,
This patch uses the same basic interface to the APC hardware, an Mark's, but it gets its clock timing from the global transport rather than the current clip. It should work faster as far as running lights and button presses since it's making fewer trips to the Live Object Model.

While the original Mono Sequencer device is amenable to being used in multiple instances, I haven't tested this version in that setup. I suppose there may be some namespace collisions with send/return objects that can cause interference, and in any event switching the hardware control on/off as you move between channes will be the most brittle piece as it's largely taken from Mark's patch. YMMV.

My usual approach is to have the mono sequencer on a dummy MIDI channel and then route it via the I/O menu to the instrument I want to control. This has the benefit of making it super-easy to record MIDI clips from the sequencer.
Looks great. Having quick access to sequence presets is v nice would love if this worked with APC40 MK2 or Push.Have tried hacking the m4l patch but still doesn't recognize or take over the grid.
Hey specialkay,
It shouldn't be too hard to make the grid work the the MkII, (though I don't have one to test with). If the control number assignments haven't changed, it should be as easy as adding the right control_surface object name in a few places. I see in the Live Settings Midi/Sync window that it's listed as "APC40 MkII" in the supported control surfaces dropdown. Can you tell me what name shows up in the dropdown list on this device when you connect the MkII? I suspect it will be the same but maybe with an underscore instead of a space, since spaces count as list separators in max. Or, if anyone with an MkII wants to send me a patch just email me at
Hey datadebt,

yes it has an underscore in max APC40_MkII. I would send you a patch but not sure what kind of patch you need to see?
this looks supercool, thanks for developing.
it felt for ages as though there would never again be any patches written for the apc, and like others noted in the comments, the original egloff patch has been very spacey since live9
also the monosequencer is my favourite max device so this baby is a win-win. cheers
This makes monosequencer so much more useful! Thanks for putting it together, it's changed my workflow a lot.
I have an issue mapping my sequences to my APC40. I am able to map the sequencer to my APC40 control surface in my first session. But if I quit and reopen that session, I am unable to map my sequences to my control surface. The drag down menu that would usually list "APC40" as a control surface in the mono sequencer is blank and contains nothing. I've also had this issue with Mark Egloff's step sequencer. Any ideas how to fix this problem?
Hello. I have m1. I have Ableton 11.3.21. This device is not available my version. Please help.

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