Device Details


Name | Version: Load Set Simple 1.0.2
Author: Stray
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Load Set Simple is a utility for loading a set from M4L. It provides a simple mechanism whereby you can define a set that should 'follow' the current set and allows you to load the defined set via a key/MIDI mappable button. It also manages the dialog that pops up upon loading a set if the current set contains changes.

This can be used to create a list of sets that you can easily switch between via a single key/MIDI trigger (simply include the device in each set that is part of the list and define the set that should follow it). It can also be used to re-load the current set and return it to its default state after having mangled it (simply include the device in the set and select the set itself as the set that should follow it).

NOTE: This utility will likely not work correctly if Allow Multiple Instances is turned on in Live's Preferences.

v1.0.1 (March 1, 2015)
* Fixed issue on OS X where loading sets from drives other than the system drive didn't work.
* Added version # to file name.

v1.0.2 (August 27, 2015)
* Fixed issue on OS X where re-loading certain sets didn't work correctly.


Live Version Used: 9.1.6
Max Version Used: 6.1.9
Date Added: Feb 25 2015 14:42:24
Date Last Updated: Aug 27 2015 18:59:45
Downloads: 975
License: AttributionNonCommercialNoDerivatives
Average Rating (2)

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Device File: Load Set Simple v1.0.2.amxd


tried it 10 times, but when i press load, live crashes every time.
live 9.1.6
max 6.1.9
That's no good. Which operating system are you using? What is indicating to you that Live has crashed? If you're receiving an error message, please state exactly what it says? Does this occur with any set or just a particular set? Have you tried using it to load a simple set (one that contains no other M4L devices or 3rd party plugins)? Also, anything showing up in the Max window?
i´m running osx 10.9.5

i tried it with different sets.
it works with very simple sets. but there are two different behaviors, when it comes to more complex sets:

a) if the set to load contains ml4 devices
-> live crashes: "Live wurde unerwartet beendet" wich means "Live was terminated unexpected"

b) the live set contains no m4l devices
-> the m4l dialog "set loading" opens end say "set loading" but nothing happens. i can close the dialog and work along, like nothing happened.

hope that helps, because i like that little device. would be very helpful.

thanks for your work
Is anything shown in the Max window, particularly in the b scenario? Also, what occurs in the a scenario if, while Live is running, you navigate to the als file and double click on it to open it in Live?
sorry, max window says nothing. i can send you the live crash report, if that would help?
This is the error Max produces:
Max could not launch URL. err = -43
This patch works fine if you manually enter the path to the .als file in the .js file. I'll modify this patch to work with a playlist. Does the author of this patch have any problem with distribution of an adjusted patch on Or do you want to post it yourself once it's done?
@ dorsch, an .alp wouldn't help, but your Log.txt might:

You can send that to stray (at)

Also, please mention what occurs if, while Live is running, you use Finder to launch one of these problematic sets.

@fjw, what is the exact path of the set that is related to the error? And, no, please don't distribute derivative devices.
On mac the problem is the path format.
[opendialog] gives this format: harddrive:path/to/file.als
[max.launchbrowser] needs /Volumes/harddrive/path/to/file.als

If you like I could send you my playlist version of your patch which is working on Mac at the moment
^^ Good catch, thanks. I've gotten that fixed. Regarding playlists, that can already be accomplished via the method covered in the description.

If you've got some other idea about it though, sure, send me an email at stray (at)
Hello, I'm new to Ableton Live and M4L.
I wish to load in sequence a series of Live Sets simply by pushing a key on a midi keyboard.

Will Load Set Simple allow me to do this?
Can someone please explain in simple terms, step by step how to use this utility?
This is so unbelievably helpful. Thanks so much for creating it!
Thank you for your effort, this is very helpful.


Created an account only to say that this is for me THE most useful Device for the performing Ableton artist!

Unbelievable that is so hard to find...spent hours looking for a solution and finding all possible ways to do it myself...and a solution as simple as that was there!

I load for all songs of my set a track of clips and in this track there are several loaders, and each clip when started trigger one specific loader for one specific set!

Easy...then colouring in red the actual loaded one makes it super easy to know where I am in the setlist and what to load afterwards (or to reload if any problem!)
Hello Guy!
This is a really good MAX device but it does not work if the Sets are stored in a Pendrive. Do you know a way to make it work?
I really need the option of use the songs stored in my pen drive.
Is this compatible with Ableton 11 Live? Having trouble getting this working and I'm a COMPLETE neophyte to this kind of stuff. TIA
I have just discovered this device which unfortunately does not work under live 11 or mac M2 I don't know, but live immediately crashes and disappears. but it's the app I dream of and which would change my life!! I dream of an update :)

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