Device Details


Name | Version: CSWS 001 AI-RT1024 Max for Live 1.1.6
Author: Ruslan
Device Type: Instrument
Description: Compositor Software solution to an artificial intelligence problem lies well beyond a conventional modelling of neural networks and uses time-and-space relationships of real-time digital signal processing. The masks approach by changing the speed of thinking as well as frequency relationship for different vector scanning of spherical space Compositor Software see as a spiral of colors for proper synesthetic experience of modeled psychoacoustic perception. The idea implemented not only controls imagination of reciprocal thinking machine but also uses a twice as fast as human being memory read and write speeds by ability to operate in radio and infrared spectrum.

New in version 1.0.9

- Rack mount panel with data rate display

Update ver. 1.0.3

- Manual tuning
- Host synchronization


Live Version Used: 11.0
Max Version Used: 8.1.9
Date Added: Apr 27 2015 02:44:47
Date Last Updated: Feb 25 2021 13:44:06
Downloads: 3
License: Commercial
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could you please elaborate on what it does really ? At least upload one video... As it is, it is extremely vague ! Requirements would be nice too. Thank you.
...Need a bit more info than that before throwing down $68.
ah ah ! Don't know if the plug is worth 68$, but the text is SOMETHING !!!
Hey Guys, I've uploaded a demo video for you. Please, check back the site!
is it april 1st again? what is this thing? seems like a joke or scam.
For those who still thinking Compositor Software is joking or something else here is a quick profile:

I'm a musician, producer and developer with more than 15 years expertise in a field. The Aritficial Intelligence project started in 2012 is already at version 3 of the main thinking routines. There are six modules of Compositor AI at the moment all are for algorithmic composition performance developed on the algorithm named in 'Compositor - the bottom-up approach' paper.

If it is not clear the AI-RT1024 instrument is a virtual machine more like a Dalvik running Android on Linux but inside Ableton Live 9. It runs a specialized algorithm of emulating the avionics v 12 engine. Please, read carefully the site as it clears up the whole conception and explains the pricing policy.
Wat! So it's a machine that has a artificial intelligence and helps you composing on a android-basis?
What functionality does it bring to us, that we need but don't already have?

In the video are just playing some tones or noises...
Hi, thank you for your interest in Compositor Software!

AI-RT1024 virtual machine can facilitate your live performance by adding an artificially produced sequence in accordance to your performance. It uses stochastics and deterministic approaches at once to reach this goal. It selects tonality, permutates and switches instrumentation in real-time. It can free up your hands or you can play a virtual machines orchestra on stage without human interaction at all.
Are there any parameters to adjust or is it just placed on a track in ableton? I've read your site and nothing is any clearer.
The virtual machine is completely autonomous, this means it will perform all the parameter manipulation by itself. So, you put it on a midi track and get instant performance even without transport running. This is made on a purpose for a shuttle 2.0 function (v1.0 shuttle is used by many popular DAW's e.g. Cubase). Summarising, this is all to facilitate live performance of electronic music and if you wish any parameter manipulation you should look closer to other Compositor Software products such as Compositor Max for Live found here
The demo is a bit weak imo. Just seems to produce a few noisy distorted sine waves.
If you think about virtual machine in terms of its sound only this is really nothing. As a successful virtualization imlements a conventional technology on a basis of a program code AI-RT1024 is also uses not a simple algorithm of sine waves as you mention, but a physical modelling of pipes and waveshaping distortion making it a sort of XXI century organ with internal quantization.
This is great well worth the $68 for accurately reproducing the sheer elegance of Dimitri's original paradimensional guttervalve alignment algorithm that cleverly uses the multisyllabic transitor multiplex boron theorem in a way I've never seen done before with quantum computing let alone a dimensionless constant describing the relationship between electroweak and gravitic fields across a protospatially confined Yalgeth-Gauss manifold.

The things you can do with M4L and Ableton never ceases to amaze me.
Open letter to Compositor Software users

Hello, Dear Compositor Software users!

Recently I released a new product, which is Compositor AI-RT1024: the same Compositor M4L algorithm with artificial intelligence for selecting a proper Time and Space combination. As a Compositor M4L users may already know it is a truth and I acknowledge you to spread a word about this.
I would love you to give a special 25% discount coupon for AI-RT1024 Max for Live device to buy it and use the artificial intelligence in your productions as a rendering or real-time performance.

The offer acts from 10th July 2015 till 15th July 2015!

Please visit the following product page if you are interested:

Best Regards,
Ruslan Yusipov CEO & Founder of Compositor Software
You give away what you like comrade, I don't buy it and I wouldn't anyway as frankly AI's can help me choose what coloured socks to wear today if it likes, but can stay away from my music making, period..

Anyway I'm more interested in Jeffromusics 'Guttervalve' machine, that sounds awesome and in some way's sounds more Analogue and Dirty.
Slick website but I'm still not quite sure what this actually does! The copy is highly abstract and technical that I imagine a lot of viewers are left with no idea of how this device can be used in our music. Maybe i didn't spend enough time trying to wrap my head around it, but these days if I don't get a product's function within a minute or two I tend to move on to the next thing. The sound examples Youtube video were somewhat interesting but I think what's needed is a detailed, narrated tutorial on this device. Especially considering the steep price you're asking. Keep in mind you're marketing this to musicians and not astrophysicists with lab coats and pocket protectors! I hope you can use this constructive criticism to make your pitch and presentation more effective. Interested to see how this develops.
I did some quick tests on Compositor M4L.

My conclusion is that while some interesting sounds can be generated there is not enough variability in the composition engine to sustain the broad claims of the developer.

Compositor generates its own notes section which are sent to the sound generation section and then to a reverb.

I used slow LFOs to modulate the values of the composition section using the presets for the sound. This was to test the ability of Compositor to generate a variety of music.

The results are on:

I am interested in algorithmic composition so Compositor was interesting to investigate. While I can use the sounds in some tracks the lack of variability in the composition part limits Compositors use.

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