Device Details


Name | Version: shad4live.soloNotes 1.0
Author: shadx312
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: You can 'solo' notes you've selected in a midi clip with this device. It mutes the notes that aren't selected.

You can either map a key from your keyboard or a button from a midi controller to the Solo and Invert buttons.

Depending on your control, you may need to switch the behavior with the Toggle/Button button on the lower right of the device.


Live Version Used: 9.1.8
Max Version Used: 6.1.10
Date Added: Jun 23 2015 11:45:41
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 300
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: shad4live.soloNotes.amxd


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