Device Details


Name | Version: Xfade Bus System 2000 1.0
Author: maxforcats
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Recently, someone asked about a crossfader that could be automated in clips and used for several submixes independently.
The Xfade Bus System 2000 consists of two audio effects, the Xfade Send that allows for crossfading between two tracks when connected with the other one, the Xfade Receive. There are 8 possible buses for up to 8 submixes you can individually crossfade in between. Simply choose a unique bus each time for each two tracks you want to crossfade. The devices are Push and MIDI controller ready.


Live Version Used: 9.2
Max Version Used: 7.0.4
Date Added: Jul 09 2015 18:22:13
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 4
License: AttributionShareAlike
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Would love to use it, if it would have adjustable blend curves ;-)
Good day! Thank's for sharing this magic device! I have only one issue: 5 receive channel didn't work. There is no signal after receive device with 5 channel. Is there a way to fix it? Win 7, live 10.
Good day! Sorry for the previous disinformation about 5 channel. I noticed that I should move A-B knobs of almost every send device every time when I open my project (it is a big template) to hear the channels & use it. Maybe you'll have some ideas on how to decide this case?
"Xfade Bus System 2000" is a terrific solution to this day, if you find that one A/B crossfade isn't enough. It's pretty easy to setup and add to your template so you have them on different sub-mixes.

If an update is ever made, like Keychee asked for almost a decade ago, I wish for more selectable crossfade curve types, like Ableton's own.

Also, there is some (non-reported) latency but it isn't bad, so you may need to nudge automation if you want to do abrupt 0-127 changes and have transitions slam on the beat and such.

I've noticed a periodic glitch where sound doesn't get routed as expected (perhaps related to what Kuzma said), but if I reopen the project or freeze then unfreeze, that may "unstick" it.

I periodically check this site for alternate approaches to simple and elegant crossfading, but haven't found one. Go maxforcats!!!

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