Device Details


Name | Version: Mouse Move And Clic Automation V3 Mikado 3.0
Author: spiralune
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: V3 -2015

New Emulate double Clic And Keybord Short shut combinaison

Mouse X Y and
SHIFT - CTRL - ALT - KEY Combinaison are Save with Live Set

Automation moving and Click Mouse simulation ........

use for exemple:
Multiple instance of Spark Le hardware midi

Spark have Button ""CONNECT"" to assign Spark controller to VST BUT IS ONLY MOUSE CLICKABLE !!!

and i want automatiquely Assign Spark Midi controller to Vst When select track ....

Open more instance of Spark on multiple track

Check Live preference Auto hide/open plugins

Move each Vst Spark At the SAME SCREEN PLACE ....
Be Sure Button ""Connect"" is at the same place on screen

Assign at the same midi controller ((One midi Button as TOGGLE)) this two ....

Track Select (( where Name off track))
Install JAVA JRE x86 for live and max 32 bit
or JAVA JRE x64 for live and max 64 bit and reboot PC

INFO if not work= download = autobot.mxj ... ((normaly it's freeze with patch))

copie to C:\Program Files\Cycling '74\Max 6.1\Cycling '74
or C:\Program Files(x86)\Cycling '74\Max 6.1\Cycling '74


Live Version Used: 9.2
Max Version Used: 6.1.7
Date Added: Oct 05 2015 13:25:37
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 337
License: None
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Device File: Mouse Move And Clic Automation ShortCut V3 2015 Mikado.amxd


i`ve looked a long time for a tool to (randomly)
click on lives surface. Now I found your solution, and build an amxd from it, inserting a solution from 11olsen:
, so there is no need of java!!!

Thank for Your work!!!!
Please help, I mapped the click and then assign to a midi key. When i press the midi key, the cursor moves to the proper position, but no click happens. The window is in front as directed, but no click happens.
Please can you help me with this

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