Device Details


Name | Version: DSP RingMod 1.5.5
Author: PatrickDSP
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Dual Ring Modulator
- Wet / Dry Crossfader
- Stereo Hz Linking
- Effect stereo width control
- Incoming audio auto pitch detection
- Ring Hz octave shifting
- Right Channel Detune from 2% to 400%
- 0Hz to 20kHz modulation
- Mod Waveforms (Sin, Tri, Saw, Sqr)


Live Version Used: 9.5
Max Version Used: 7.1
Date Added: Jan 04 2016 11:49:13
Date Last Updated: Jan 07 2016 16:11:23
Downloads: 2162
License: AttributionShareAlike
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Device File: DSP RingMod.amxd


There is a bug for the values indicated for L and R freq : it works only on the right value when you use the detune dial. That is because the comment boxes you use for those values aren't connected to your freq dials. I would rather have the freq dials 'show param value' in the inspector and work the maths for the detune directly to those dials, but don't want to mess with your patching.
Hey there, it's not a bug. The detune knob detunes the right channel from the left channel. If it moved both frequency dials at the same rate, no detuning would occur. It makes it a little more interesting than a standard single Ring Mod. Some people might not want left and right channels sounding too extreme, so you can control the stereo width of the effect with the Width Slider.

The comment boxes were used to show values. Had I kept the dials permanently activated the undo history of Ableton would be flooded with entries once the unit was put into Auto mode. So, comment boxes were used to by pass this, yet still providing information on what frequencies were effected. Hope that answers your concerns. Cheers.

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