Device Details


Name | Version: QuadPanner 1.1
Author: kodamapixel
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: A simple control for passing audio between 4 send/return tracks. When returns are set to output audio on 4 separate channels, this allows for quadraphonic panning.

Option of controlling panning via OSC, or manually. If receiving OSC controls, enter correct port number and OSC address prefix (patch is set to receive 2 coordinate messages with a syntax similar to /osc/address x y).

This is my first MaxForLive device, so any feedback is most definitely welcome!


Live Version Used: 8.1.3
Max Version Used: 5.1.8
Date Added: Jul 09 2010 09:49:57
Date Last Updated: Jan 15 2012 17:21:52
Downloads: 2141
License: AttributionShareAlike
Average Rating (2)

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Device File: 20100710_quadPanner.amxd


Wow very cool!!
i was looking for it!
i was looking for it!
Wonderful and works well and thanxzks. It would be very helpful for me if anyone could give an example of a OSC setup including this patch and the chain of software and hardware necessary. (I use OSC based stuff like Monome, Arduinome, Livid Block, Osculator, DS Lite and so on).
Hi john. OSCulator will communicate well with this device, but it will probably require some changes in the patch so the values you're sending are meaningful.

In OSCulator, change the parameter of your choice to 'OSC routing' in the Event Type drop down list and the Value to 'Default: localhost:12345' (you may need to set the port number by adding a localhost OSC Route in the Parameters menu.

When I have a chance, I'll update the way this device recognises OSC, to make it easier to work with different signals.
Thanks for the instruction. Used Logic for my Quadraphonic panning needs but this is more direct. Works perfect with a Wacom board/OSCulator/Live/QuadPanner 1.1. Brilliant and thanxkz again for both patch and tip.
Great to hear that it's working for you! If you have any bugs or suggestions for changes, I'd love to hear about them.
Really nice job. Loving this.

Is it possible to have constant volume crossfading? Currently the volume drops out when a sound goes between, for example, right front to right surround. I'm assuming the fade is linear right now.

I'd also love an option for center speaker that can be turned on and off. Or perhaps a 5 speaker version of the patch. I do a lot of film sound and game cinematic sound utilizing center speaker for position.
Hi dblondin, thanks for the feedback and suggestions. My main computer is out of action for repairs at the moment, but I'll definitely see what I can come up with when it's up and running again.

Can you describe what sort of crossfading behaviour would you like to see? Do you mean that you would prefer both front left and right speakers to be at full volume when panning is set in the middle (as opposed to a drop as soon as panning moves away from one of the corners)?
Thank you it is a very simple to set up solution for some surround mix in Live .
But the center position panning should be -3dB (not-6dB)to get constant power panning.
Anyway an LCR mix could be achieved sending also the track output to Live Master after summing it to mono using Live Utility Mono Preset set with +3dB gain .

i am still waiting for a 5 ,6,8 Channel panner based on the same idea .
Thrilled. This is perfect for a project I'm working on. Any tips on how to control it with LFOs?
Hey man,
I made a version which doesn't dip at midpoint, inspired by you device:
(also added automation support, which yours didn't have)
Although I was planning on updating this device, the latest version of M4L (v2.1, which came with Live 8.2.2) has a great nodes-based device that does the same thing as this device, but much better.

Check the 'Max Api SendsXnodes' device in Audio Effects > Max Audio Effects > Tools > API - it's great!

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