Device Details


Name | Version: FM Thug Phase-Bashed Packet Synth for OSCiLLOT 1.0
Author: RedBeats
Device Type: Instrument
Description: FM Thug is an aggressive polyphonic synthesizer capable of some of the gnarliest sounds you'll ever hear. It uses the hybrid-combination of FM & the experimental Phase-bashed Packet synthesis created by Miller Puckette. He wrote a detailed thesis paper on this type of synthesis.
As Puckette states "Phase-bashed packet synthesis is a four-step process (Figure 1. First, a natural sound is recorded. Next, and still, prior to synthesis, the recording must be `phase bashed' to yield a series of single waveforms, laid out end to end. In the third step (`resynthesis'), the packets are arranged at a desired period to synthesize a pitched sound. Finally, post-processing can effect frequency shifts and/or modulate the signal to make it unvoiced... The preliminary steps, recording and phase bashing, are as described earlier [PuckettePuckette2005]. The result is a concatenation of wavetables (which may be stored as a sound file between sessions), consisting of phase-aligned packets laid end to end. Typical packet sizes range from 512 to 2048 samples, with the usual tradeoff between time and frequency resolutions."

The resulting sound is extremely aggressive and extremely cool. It is very useable in today's genres. Its got some qualities of wavetable synths, some granular sounds, and wicked FM stuff. I added in a few features that totally put this thing over-the-top. It is chromatically tuned. It can be used as a mono or poly. Watch your levels/ears... Have fun!!!


Live Version Used: 9.2
Max Version Used: 7.0.4
Date Added: May 09 2016 02:21:18
Date Last Updated: Oct 23 2017 17:00:14
Downloads: 3
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Sounds interesting, would love to try it out but I don't own OSCILLOT. :/ I'd at least be curious to hear some examples if nothing else!
OSCiLLOT is worth the hundy... I'll try and get some samples up. It is just a very aggressive, overdriven, wave-folding synth.

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