Device Details


Name | Version: kozel 1.0
Author: MikeyKricky
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: kozel allows you to control a focused/selected parameter using an external midi device. keeps the undo history neat (recording only parameter changes) and allows drawing automation frustration-free.

How to use:
First, drop the device on a MIDI track
Second, arm the track or set the monitor to "in"
Third, use the "Map to Midi" button to map the hardware controller to control kozel.

Please, leave your feedback and recommendations for the functionality in future versions.


Live Version Used: 10.1.18
Max Version Used: 8.1.5
Date Added: Nov 13 2020 22:38:21
Date Last Updated: Nov 14 2020 21:01:34
Downloads: 358
License: None
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Device File: kozel.amxd


Does it mean you can map something and then turn-off the mapping if you turn off kozel ?
If yes, it's a great little device.
I still don't understand how it's not a built in feature in Live : I've got a Live set for the stage, and I need to map the same keyboard knob to different parameters depending on the song (i.e. the scene) I'm playing.
There are some ways, but it's complicated.
I'll try your device and give some feedback
Hi Calagan,
Unfortunately, it's not the way it's intended to use as of this version. I will reword the description to make it more clear.

The intention of this device is to have a mapped hardware controller to modify the parameter that is currently selected in Live. E.g. if you map knob on a midi device and focus on a knob/slider in Live (e.g. track volume, effect knob, etc.), you can control the selected parameter with the mapped knob.

What you mentioned is a great recommendation for the next version of this device. It shouldn't be too hard to implement.

To double-check the functionality you're looking for is to have a device that would allow mapping of a hardware controller to the software parameter and disable the mapping upon turning off the device?
Hi Mikey
Thanks for the quick feedback, and thanks for considering my request.

It's my turn trying to be more precise . I use Live a lot on stage (I mean, I "was" using Live on stage before Covid), and my use of it is as follow :
- my band is not purely electro. We are playing songs, with soft synths and samples we launch from Live using midi keyboards and some midi controllers (like the Behringer x-touch mini)
- Each song is embedded in a scene in the session view. In order to play the song we want, we launch the scene and it turns off everything but the things we need for the song (by use of a complex chain selector system, and a basic on/off automation embeded in each scene.)
- So more often than not, I would like to be able to control the resonance of synth A in the song A, and then the filter of the synth B in the song B, and then the delay feedback of the plugin C in the song C, all that with the same knob.
- Even better, with the same knob in the song C, I'd like to be able to control the delay feedback in the intro, and then a HPF in the verse, and then a reverb dry-wet in the chorus.

In Live, when you map a knob to a parameter, it's for the whole set. You can't map something in the context of a scene only. Or in the context of a chain in a rack.
Since years I'm using the following M4L device, that map a CC to a parameter in the context of a rack, so when the rack (or the device) is turned off, the mapping disappears.

It's a great device (very useful), but I think it could be upgraded in some way - for exemple using multitouch, pressure, notes... instead of only CC.
The idea being : reproduce all you can do with the built in Live mapping, but contextual only (in a rack, in a scene or in a chain).

Anyway, I will try your device like you intended to make it. I didn't understand its use at the beginning, but know I see it as very useful (for mixing much more than on stage : I almost never look my computer' screen on stage).

By the way, it's always cool to embody in the M4L device a little text that explain the purpose and the features. I've got a lot of M4L devices, and sometimes I need to search for them on this site in order to remember how to use them and for what they were intended - the GUI is not always self explanatory...

Best and thanks for the little gift to the community
Hi Mikey.
As a complement to my last comment (above), I actually found that the features I'm speaking about are already in the stock M4L Live devices : Expression Control is doing that, and is doing it very good with a lot of options.
This is a great device & I'm not sure why it's not a native feature. (Other than it may impact Push sales)

Is there a way to have it map automatically when selecting a knob in a 3rd party plugin interface?

At the moment you have to go into configure mode and add the parameters first which seems to be against the point.

Thanks! P
genius! anybody tried it with a motorfader?
This is such a great device, thank you. Immediately adding it to my template sets.

Coming from the ONE plug - which was somewhat unusable.

One question about the behavior though: at the moment, the value jumps to the position of the controller.
Would there be a way to inherent the 'Pickup' or 'Value Scaling' behavior that's implemented in Live as well?

Thank you:)

Yes, I also would love it to work with the pickup behavior. Or even better if it could send and receive midi information if I have my controller (midi fighter twister) set up to receive the location of the knob and match it (using the remote information).

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