Device Details


Name | Version: Matrix-1000 Editor 1.0.1
Author: TenSquare
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Hello and thank you for your interest in the Matrix-1000 Editor, a Max for Live device specially designed to program your Oberheim Matrix-1000 synthesizer.

The Matrix-1000 Editor is a very powerful, ergonomic and intuitive MIDI editor. Real software remote control tailor-made for the legendary Matrix-1000, it is used directly in the music production software Ableton Live (

Thanks to this Max for Live MIDI editor, you will rediscover all the sound creation potential of your Matrix-1000, and it is really huge! Indeed, although this rack synthesizer is not directly editable on the front, it contains practically the same engine of synthesis as the equally legendary Oberheim Matrix-6 and Matrix-6R !

With the Matrix-1000 Editor, you can finally access all of your Matrix-1000's settings with just a few mouse clicks. You'll be able to do so much more with advanced new features designed to make sound design easier.

Have fun ! :)


Live Version Used: 11.3.20
Max Version Used: 8.5.6
Date Added: Dec 21 2020 20:23:26
Date Last Updated: Feb 25 2024 20:41:30
Downloads: 0
License: None
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What can I say apart from wow! Beautifully laid out and implemented! I've used quite a few Matrix-1000 editors and this one is so well presented and intuitive to use, looks like I finally have a go-to editor at last. Thanks.
Thank you for your message and your very positive feedback, it's a pleasure ! :) Have you tried it yet ? Is everything working well ? Are you on Mac or PC ?
hi. it looks marvelous to be honest and i am eager to make it work on my windows, but unfortunately i have been having issues.
seems like it finds an error loading the names of the parameters, which appear to be named all (live.comment) and no midi signal is coming out of the channel at all. not if i alter the parameters nor if i try to send a midi signal.

on the Max Console i receive these errors:

live.comment: live.comment: no such object
live.comment: live.comment: no such object
live.comment: live.comment: no such object
js: m1k.core.js: Javascript ReferenceError: ParameterInfoProvider is not defined, line 90
js: error calling function init [m1k.core.js]

the live.comment is repeated per parameter name that was missing

am i doing something wrong?

thanks in advance for your work and for sharing!
Hi Lorenzo,
What are the versions of your Ableton Live and Max softwares ? As explained in my user manual, you need will Live 10.1.30 and Max 8.1.8 to make the device work correctly.
Someone on Facebook has encountered exactly the same issue because he was using a previous Live version, I think it works for him now.
Just got a Matrix 1000. AMAZING device you did Guillaume. Thank you so much for sharing!
Hi Elliot,
I'm really happy that you like my MIDI editor for the Matrix 1000. :)
I hope you'll use it to create lots of new sounds and fully explore the potential of your synth, it's one hell of a machine!
Were you able to successfully operate the device in Ableton Live? Was my documentation useful to you ? What versions of Live and Max are you using?
Have fun ! ;)
All the best from France.
Hi Guillaume,

I am sorry for the late reply, I just saw your message :)

Yes it's a hell of a synth, so many parameters I am actually overwhelmed, will need some time to tame it :)

I am using Live 11 and Max 8 (last versions released for both) on Mac OSX Monterey (Apple Silicon but running Live with Rosetta). Everything is working properly (at least I couldn't find any issue).

My Matrix 1000 has the original firmware 1.11 so the feedback is relatively slow, this makes it half fun to sweep parameters.
I am waiting for the TaunTek firmware which should fix those sysex lags.

I didn't use the documentation since I am used to midi and audio routing but I quickly red it now and it seemed very clear, really kind of you to share all this hard work, and for free!

All the best from Germany! (I am French too hehe)
Hi Elliot,
The world is small ! :)
I'm really happy to know that my device works well under macOS Monterey and the latest versions of Max and Ableton Live. A good point !
I myself had started the development of the Matrix-1000 Editor via the original Oberheim EPROM v1.11. It's true that the processing of SysEx messages is a little slow... I then equipped the synth with the TaunTek EPROM, it was night and day! You should feel quite a difference when you receive yours, it's much smoother, especially on the filter movements! Thank you for your positive comment on my documentation, I took pains ;)
Have fun !
i am still downloading it but i loved you from the first moment i saw the user manual for the editor

thank you!

i'll let you know my feedback, i am on win 10 ableton 10
Hi Lorenzo,
Thank you for your comment. I have made a special effort to write my user documentation, I hope it will help you to make my device work with your Matrix-1000 under Live 10 & Windows 10. Let me know when you're done :)
Have fun !
Hello Guillaume,
Merci pour cet éditeur du matrix 1000 !
Malheureusement impossible d'avoir l'affichage correct, j'ai pourtant utilisé les polices du dossier d'installation et sont bien installées dans le livre de police (mac osX)
As tu déjà eu des retours de problèmes similaire ?

Hello Guillaume, J'ai réussi à le faire fonctionner. Je n'avais juste pas la bonne version de max, il a juste fallu la mettre à jour !
Merci, hâte de pouvoir essayer ton app !
Hello Victor,
Je suis ravi que tu aies finalement réussi à faire fonctionner mon device dans ton setup. Juste pour savoir, tu utilisais quelle version de Max précédemment ?
Amuse-toi bien, et n'hésites pas à donner ton retour d'expérience utilisateur ici ! ;)
- - -
Hello Victor,
I'm glad you finally got my device working in your setup. Just to know, which version of Max did you use previously ?
Have fun, and don't hesitate to give your user experience feedback here! ;)
Hello dear users!
Would you be motivated to make a short video to show us how you program your Oberheim Matrix-1000 with my Max for Live editor, post it on YouTube and give us the link here?
Thank you all so much for your positive feedback and encouragement!
Good kisses from France.
Hello Guillaume, j'étais en déplacement pendant 3 semaines. Je viens de voir ton msg, je vais essayer de trouver l'ancienne installation de max pour répondre à ta question car je n'ai malheureusement aucune idée.

En 1ères impressions, jai été bluffé par la réactivité des filtres, dco, ADSR.
Pour les modulations cela m'a semblé un peu moins bien.

J'ai voulu m'y remettre aujourdhui, mais malheureusement pour une raison que je n'explique pas cela ne fonctionne plus.
Le device de max envoie bien de l'info midi (mon matrix 1000 réagit, les valeurs changent sur l'écran d'affichage) en revanche je n'ai aucune sortie audio du matrix. Celle ci revient bien quand j'enlève le matrix-1000 editor de ma piste. Je comprend pas pourquoi j'ai subitement ce problème.

Concernant la vidéo sur youtube je pense que c'est tjrs un plus !

cheers !
I'm not sure how active this project is, but, I have been trying to get it to work in Ableton 11. I have my project set up 100% exactly as depicted in the instruction manual, and I am able to audition my matrix via a usb midi keyboard, I can change the patch via the patch edit (select patch) but that's it. i can't alter the paramters (i have protect memory set to off), and I can't change ANY of the master parameters.

When I load the master editor, my midi interface should receive information, but it receives nothing. I know that the matrix can send info because when i set echo to ON and send midi notes, it sends the echo back.

It's neat to be able to set my patch in ableton, but that's all I can do, change from patch 000 to patch 493 or whatever, but nothing else.

Has anyone had this problem before?

Hi Slorrin,
Looks like SysEx messages are not getting through and only program changes are taken into account.
What version of Live and Max are you using?
What MIDI interface do you use?

I have the same issue, i can send program changes or edit parameters from the editor to the m1000 OK.
But the editor does not seem to receive any sysex data as described by Slorrin.
Using Ableton Suite 11.2 - Windows with a Midisport 4x4.

Editor looks awesome tho, hope i can get it to work somehow....cheers!
OK, turns out that if you switch the midi out with the midi thru it doesnt work...Turns also out that im an idiot.

If i now select the patch from the editor it works fine.

Looks awesome - thanks for the great effort put in this!!!
Hi Stiebz,
I'm glad you finally got my Matrix-1000 Editor to work with Live 11.2 and your MIDI interface. :)
Have fun !
I've got it working, and it looks great thanks!

However, I am only able to change Banks, and not Programs via the Internal Patches Browser.

Do you know why this is happening, and how to solve the issue?

Hi Pramster,
That's a bit strange...
Are you able to edit the Matrix parameters values ?
Can you make a test and try to send a program change to the Matrix, starting from an empty Ableton Live set and using a simple MIDI track and a MIDI clip. You can set the program change number in the Clip window, it will be sent when you launch the clip.
Let me know.
Thx a mil Guillaume! Works fine here (firmware 1.2).
Just wondering if midi mapping the parameters would be possible? And also play with ableton automation on parameters. I tried to edit the device: changed every live.numbox so Parameter Visibility is set to Automated and Stored. While I can now midi map the parameters, it only affect visually the numbox and sends nothing to the ob matrix 1k. Any hints on that?
Hello Edouard,
Thank you very much for your very positive feedback, it's a pleasure! :)
The issue you're talking about is exactly why I disabled the ability to automate my editor settings in Live. This is a limitation of Max when used with JS, up to version 8.3.1 I believe. I reported this to the development team at Cycling '74, they have since fixed it. So you should be able to automate my editor settings in Live and send the corresponding SysEx commands to the Matrix-1000 provided you install Max version 8.3.2 or higher ;)
Hey Guillaume,

What an incredible M4L device, thank you so much!

I read Edouard's points about Lane Automation; this would be a 'game changer' for me on this plug in too if it was indeed possible (I'd also probably do away with my Patch Editor hardware...). That said, I do not have the knowledge to understand which parameters to change (i.e the live.numbox parts) in M4L to make this a possibility. I've changed up to 8.5.2 within Live, for reference.

Are there any plans to update the plug to enable labnel automation. If not, would you be able to point me in the right direction to make these changes as a test?

Many thanks,

Hi Kris,

Thank you very much for your interest and your very positive feedback regarding my Matrix-1000 Editor, I really appreciate it ! :)

I'm starting to get a few requests for an update to my device so that we can automate the editor settings in Ableton Live. I promised a few people that I will try to find the time to do this update.

In principle, it's not very complicated, but I still have to redo complete tests with the Matrix-1000, in order to be certain that the device works as expected...

For the moment it's a bit complicated for me because I have just moved into my new place of life, but I will get back to developing my MIDI editor soon !

All the best from France.

Hey Guillaume,

Wishing you happiness in your new home!

Many thanks for getting back so fast and I look forward to the updates :)

Salut et merci pour ton travail, j'attends d'installer le nouveau live ( je suis sous live 9...) pour essayer ton éditeur. Est-ce qu'il y a fonction aléatoire qui paramètre aléatoirement les paramètres du matrix ?
Salut, merci beaucoup pour ton editeur ! je vais enfin pouvoir m'amuser après des années bloqué sur les patch internes ! J'ai tout installé, ça fonctionne super, par contre je n'arrive par à mapper les paramètres de l'editeur pour les controller avec mon push. est ce qu'il y a une astuce pour y parvenir ? merci encore ! :))
This is the best editor yet! I can confirm it works on the Matrix-6 as well. I'm using the tauntek 2.15 firmware and it runs amazingly with this editor! Thank you so much for making this!
+1 on the ability to map the parameters to midi controller.
Fabulous job, well done!
Hello everyone !

Many of you have asked me to implement parameter automation in Ableton Live for my Matrix-1000 Editor. After more than a year of absence in the comments of this page (and I apologize for that), here is a v1.0.1 update of my device allowing to automate the synth parameters in Live.

I was able to do some fairly conclusive quick tests but not the complete tests that I would have liked to do, because I no longer really have the time or energy to complete this project. I am counting on your cooperation to report any bugs to me. ;)

Please keep in mind that the Matrix-1000 is not very responsive to incoming SysEx messages, except for about twenty parameters optimized using the TaunTek EPROM :

If you notice audio glitches when automating certain parameters in Live, this is probably normal and unfortunately I won't be able to really improve things given the response time of the machine...

Hoping that this update, long awaited by all, gives you satisfaction ! :)

All the best from France.

HI Guillaume,

Could you tell me if there is a way to alter the parameter appearing in Push?
I would like to reorder them a little and add the filter section that is somehow missing (page 4 seem to be broken)
There usually is a object in the .amxd file but I could not locate it.
Maybe you have a tip for me so I can improve the Push parameter layout?

Thank you for this device!

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