Device Details


Name | Version: eXp plus plus 0.4.7
Author: schlam
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Hello

This device allows you to have differents settings for your expressions. It's an expression mapper and preseter.

The core of the device is based on Expression Control + by SimonR

you can find his device here :

which is based on the m4l stock device Expression Control.

In additon, the auto switch and preset manager of the device mAp++ are added.

Usually with devices that handle mappings settings, the parameter which is mapped becomes greyed and you can do nothing with it except moving it with your controller or another device, and, above all, even when the device controlling the parameter is switched off, the parameter is not released/unleached...

...not here.

With eXp++, all the binded parameters are released when the device is off.
And, above all, everything is re-binded when it's switched on again !

The more interesting is that it is the same for each preset of the device. =)

In preset one, you can have a mapped parameter, and having it too in the preset 2 but with differents settings.

You can on the fly change all the mapping settings of your expresion controller and automate these changes very quickly.

You can automate the way that the changes change =)

Hope it will be helpful !



..............................It's a BETA release. Please tell be about bugs and suggestions !.............

............v 0.4.7.

- really fixe a bug with 'clear', 'store' and "new" which made blink all map button when they were pressed the 1st time.

- Chain Mode compatibility with Live 11. The device observe the Live version at startup and change behaviour accordingly.
-->this same version should works either on Live 10 and 11.

............v 0.4.6

- bug fixe. map button was not properly reinitialized.
they blinked when clear button was pressed.

............v 0.4.5


- 6 tracks to express Live with your controller

- For each track a parameter can be controlled by :

- velocity
- modwheel
- pitchbend
- aftertouch
- keytrack
- note
- control change

- For more informations about the settings, visit the SimonR's Expression controller page.

- these settings can me recalled by :

- the SELECTED TRACK. Changing the track selection change the device preset

- the SELECTED SCENE, Each selected scene triggers a eXp++ preset.

- the SELF MODE. default. Play with presets and the "auTo-chAin" slider.

- the CHAIN SELECTOR of a rack, if the device is in a rack.
. In this mode you have to put one device per chain.

- The track of the controlled parameter is seen in the map button!

Very often with this kind of device, only the name of the parameter is written in the Map
Button. But "Track Volume" is not very understandable when you have 24 tracks...
Here, each button shows the track where the controlled parameter is
(Usual Track / Return tracks/ Master Track)

- The output visualistion is embeded in each Map Button.

- Multimap

- An auTo-mAp slider can be assigned with what you want to switch from one preset to another. If you have 4 presets this slider will have 4 positions, if you have 10, it will have 10 positions. It's very useful when you assign it to an hardware knob or slider, the stroke of the knob is always fully used. In addition to that. All the stroke is used even if your presets are not adjacents. Mapping this slider with (for example, an LFO) allows you to sequence your expression settings =)

- A big dial allows to control the 6 tracks of eXp+ in the same time. It's mappable too. When it's automatized or mapped, the 6 others ones can still be used, the informations are both sent.
----------> I test this functionality in this release, not sure it's really useful....

- 20 presets in the same time per device

- New / Store / Del / Clear buttons for touchscreens.

- read / write to store/recall presets file configuration (.json or .xml)

- 3 views : Minimum / Maximum / Hide


A)- click "New" or "Store" an empty preset slot

- choose an expression parameter in the list

- click on the corresponding "Map" buttons. It will blink.

- click a mappable parameter in your live set.

- click the "Max" view, tweak others paramaters if you need

- do the same with others tracks of eXp++

- click "StOre" or shift+click on the preset slot you choosen.

B) -repeat step A with another preset slots

C) -You can save this setting with the Write button
- the id of mappable parameters change from one live.set to another
so, name your file with the name of the live.set you used when you created it, to avoid issues.

You can download another device which do the same but about bindings here :


Live Version Used: 11.0.27
Max Version Used: 8.1.8
Date Added: Feb 04 2021 15:08:36
Date Last Updated: Feb 06 2021 16:24:45
Downloads: 1010
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
Average Rating (2)

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Device File: eXp++0.4.7.amxd


Man, I'd use your newer stuff if you weren't using such lame typography. My eyes are old; I have no time to spend deciphering crazy font
I think this is a great tool, Schalm. Thanks for improving Expression Control. I agree that the typography is disconcerting, though I would be more polite about stating that. The way it looks now makes one think that you are denoting hotkeys or something of the sort, which is not the case.
One consideration is how Aftertouch differs from the other midi parameters. I use control surfaces with Aftertouch to feed Kontakt. Kontakt won't , of course, accept normal midi mappings from Ableton.

Kontakt does let you do quick CC-learning without going into their edit window. This is often sufficient for my needs, but Kontakt will not learn AT, you need to do mod edits for that.

There is a quick fix for this with a Max tool named 'Aftertouch To Mod Wheel'. Maybe you might consider adding that functionality in the future.
Hi there, has anyone been able to set up keytracking accurate to note harmonics with this? I'm finding it really challenging to line anything up.

I've been a huge fan of eXp++ since I got a Mac M1 apple silicon, telling me, its not compatible...

exp 0.3 is loading ok... but messing with the destination map... is this about my MAX4LIVE version ? I'm legally up to date...

Whatever, thank you for sharing these lovely devices !

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