Device Details


Name | Version: SuperVP Source-Filter 1.1.2
Author: nwhetsell
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: This is a Max for Live audio effect that wraps the supervp.sourcefilter~ object from IRCAM’s SuperVP for Max ( v2.18.10. This is in some ways an update of the supervp.sourcefilter~ wrapper included in

Note that SuperVP for Max is licensed under the IRCAM Forum Software License Agreement ( To download SuperVP for Max, visit to create an IRCAM Forum account, and then visit

This Max for Live device includes BrowseRouting.maxpat (and the RoutingObjects.maxpat subpatch on which it depends) in a bpatcher ( BrowseRouting.maxpat is part of Cycling ’74’s Audio Routes ( suite of Max for Live devices. The “Audio Routing Example.amxd” device from Audio Routes includes this comment about BrowseRouting: “This subpatcher may be freely copied into any device as a bpatcher…”.

The source code of this device is available at


Live Version Used: 12.0.5
Max Version Used: 8.6.2
Date Added: May 14 2023 17:08:03
Date Last Updated: Aug 05 2024 14:30:58
Downloads: 317
License: None
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: SuperVP Source-Filter.amxd


works great:)
big thanks for this!

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