Device Details


Name | Version: abFX 1.0
Author: asmaros
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: abFX Max for Live Device to bypass effects without deactivating them.
Utility Device Created for mixing purposes for Ableton Live 10 / 11.

Requires max for live(included in Live suite) & Ableton Live 10.0.1 or later

It is tiny, simple and light weight but very useful.

It allows you to AB/bypass effects without deactivating them for two simple reasons:

Deactivating and reactivating all effects at once can cause a massive jump on CPU which is uncomfortable!
Deactivating and reactivating all effects can mess with their automations (ON/OFF device automation) you'll have to re-enable automations in Live each time.
Just click on the main “FX ON” button and it will audition the Dry signal and mute Sends at the same time without deactivating any effect.

You can listen to the Dry signal only without Muting the Sends

This device comes with two devices abFX that goes to each track and abCtrl (one instance only) that goes to the Master track.
The device allows you also to gain stage if you want some extra dBs of headroom when mixing then you notice that your Master meter starts clipping or maybe the levels are too low so you want to drive more gain into your Master bus.

Instead of selecting all tracks one by one, getting lost in which are selected or if you selected groups busses....ect Gain Stage controller of abCtrl allows you to move the faders only in the tracks that have abFX devices.
If you don’t want to mess with your faders for whatever reason (already have automations for example) by switching from Live to abFX any gain staging “fader’s moves” will be done internally on the output stage of all instances of abFX instead of the faders.


Live Version Used: 11.2
Max Version Used: 8.5.3
Date Added: Jul 06 2023 17:24:31
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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Hi Asmaros,

I wanted to purchase abFX, but I do not have a credit card. Could you imagine adding Google Pay or PayPal as payment options?

kind regards
I don't know if Gumroad has Google Pay, I'll recheck that and also double check the PayPal option.
Lumo, PayPal added you can check:-)

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