Device Details
Name | Version: | SquareGuitar 1.0 |
Author: | oin |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: |
Live Version Used: | 8.2.2 |
Max Version Used: | 5.1.8 |
Date Added: | Mar 04 2012 16:34:06 |
Date Last Updated: | No Updates |
Downloads: | 931 |
ⓘ License: | Attribution |
Average Rating
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Device File: | squareguitar.amxd |
Very very cool to solo with, but the midi note output seems to be different than the ones being played... any idea why that is? this is making it pretty difficult for me to compose with vs. improv.
Posted on April 07 2012 by BigWillystyles |
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If you're having a MIDI track with a chain like this :
[MIDI In] --> [SquareGuitar] --> [Instrument]
Then if you record a clip, the recorded notes will effectively be different from the ones you heard, because it's the notes directly from the [MIDI In].
What you can do is having the SquareGuitar alone in its own MIDI track and change its MIDI output to the track you're recording to (or change the MIDI input of this track). I find this much more practical, since with this I can switch instruments and stay with the same controller.
Does it solve your problem, or was it something else ?
[MIDI In] --> [SquareGuitar] --> [Instrument]
Then if you record a clip, the recorded notes will effectively be different from the ones you heard, because it's the notes directly from the [MIDI In].
What you can do is having the SquareGuitar alone in its own MIDI track and change its MIDI output to the track you're recording to (or change the MIDI input of this track). I find this much more practical, since with this I can switch instruments and stay with the same controller.
Does it solve your problem, or was it something else ?
Posted on April 07 2012 by oin |
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