Device Details


Name | Version: Meeblip Micro Editor 1.1
Author: scarkord
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Editor for the Meeblip Micro, hackable synthesier.

v1.1 Update

Updated to include a couple of Bass presets and a new randomise function.

The randomise function includes a handy matrix which allows you to control exactly how much of the sound is randomised.


Live Version Used: 8.3.4
Max Version Used: 5.1.9
Date Added: Mar 12 2012 08:49:51
Date Last Updated: Nov 27 2012 19:03:33
Downloads: 419
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: Meeblip Micro 1.1.amxd


Radical! I just ordered a Meeblip micro, this'll come in handy.

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