Device Details


Name | Version: Mophox4 Control v1 1.2
Author: techbuzz
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This can control nearly all aspects of the instrument. I used only native max devices to make it send and receive NRPN messages. So if you turn a knob on your Mophox4 the control updates in this patch. I did not do this for the sequencer as I don't think anyone is going to be editing the sequencer from the Mophox4 interface. But you can program all 4 sequencers on the Mopho with this patch.

There is a initialize patch button that will set all parameters to the factory starting point if you want to start from scratch. Sometimes you need to toggle it twice to get it to work.

When adjusting all OSC's or all envelops from the Mophox4 the patch does not update all of the parameters you would need to have the adjust all toggle button on for this in the patch itself. There is one for the OSC's and one for the envelopes in the Amp tab. The Mopho is sending all the messages but I don't think Ableton can interpret them fast enough when sending 2 or 3 messages at a time.

I did not make a CC mode for this patch. It is NRPN only. I also didn't make a preset system for this patch. I wasn't sure of the best way to go about it. Maybe someone who is better at max than me could make a suggestion. It would be nice to have patches to save but I can always save them as separate instance names in Ableton.**** There was bank and program change knobs available. If people want them back I can add them back in. *****

Other than that it should be self explanatory. I would be interested in any feedback. I don't have the original Mopho but I bet they are nearly the same messages so this patch might work of the older models.


Version 1.1
I slimed the interface down so it isn't so wide. I added some logic so that if you are adjusting something in a different page the view jumps to that page.

Version 1.2
In this version I created a way to recall presets from max or from the Mopho so that all the parameters in the patch change. This is using a jit.matrix device. You will need to have an export of the entire synth patches as one sysex file. Refer to the Mopho manual if you don’t know how to do this. After the file is exported, you will have to click on the number 2 on the left hand side of the patch. This is the read write and export area of the patch memory.

Click the read sysex file. Then, select the sysex file that you got from the patch dump from your mopho.

After the file is imported, click write Matrix to file.

Now, you will have to open up the patch in Max. Then, unfreeze the device. Make sure to lock the device. Then, drag the matrix file export into the file drop box and then freeze and save the device. This will store that file location as the the default location when a new instance of the patch is loaded.

You will then have all of your patch parameters available when you choose to change a patch. I choose to keep all of the same sound type together so I can flip through them when I am working on a tune. You may organize your sounds differently.

The second part that I wanted was to be able to select sounds by type. Now, this will require that you edit some things in the patch yourself if you choose to have a different patch structure. The reason is because there is no way for the patch to identify the sound types. There is nothing embedded in the names of the stock sounds. There are some instructions in the patch to help you out. There is also a metro object that will cycle through all of the patches so that all of the names can be exported. This will allow you to build your own structure from the names if you would like. But, you will also have to edit the mapping of where these are. So if you really want to you can. I have also provided my sysex file that you can download if you want to use your Mopho mapped as I have mine. Then this feature will work without any problems or effort.

You can download my sysex file here

I made a short video on how to get started with the patch.


Live Version Used: 9.1
Max Version Used: 6.1
Date Added: Jan 13 2013 16:27:15
Date Last Updated: Sep 14 2020 16:31:55
Downloads: 1090
License: None
Average Rating (5)

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Device File: Mophox4 Control Slim.amxd


I will love to know if u can do a device for the Tempest too >)
Last time I checked MIDI control of parameters on the tempest has not been implemented yet. Maybe in the next rev of firmware DSI will implement MIDI CC and NRPN control over the tempest. Then, if someone can lend me a tempest I could max a device for it :)
Thanks, this is great. I have the sound tower vst. this is better. I have encountered a few problems tho. The sequencer, and tempo knob act unpredictably. It would be great to save patches too. I like you can easily record automation in one clip. I have a X4 if you need a tester for the future just ask. NRPN works great too. Thanks again for this.
Can you please describe in more detail what you mean by unpredictably? They work just fine for me. If I change the tempo from the patch it updates the Mopho just fine. If I adjust the tempo from the Mopho the patch gets updated. The value is not jumping around and is solid for me. The sequencer is working for me as well. I can adjust each sequencer no problem for each value and the destination changes. If you adjust it from the Mopho the patch will not update.

Patch memory would be nice but I could not figure out a good way to do it in max to make it easy to use. Maybe with 6 there are some new features I could use to do this. But I have not installed it yet.
Will this work with the Mopho Desktop or Keyboard?


I do not have the Mopho just the Mophox4 keyboard but I would expect the midi mapping to be the exact same since all they added was the ability to play more notes at the same time. I highly doubt that they changed the midi mapping drastically. The code inside this patch could be easily modified if needed. Nothing is locked and changing and midi number for something would be rather easy.

I hope this answers your question.
This is awesome! Thanks!

Excellent patch, thank you very much for sharing this. After an hour or so using it I noticed the Osc Mix control doesn't seem to work. Anyone else encountering this?

Thanks for the feedback. I fixed the problem. I forgot to add a send object to all of OSC1 when reorganizing the patch. All should work now.
Bought the Soundtower Mopho editor years ago, never got it to work with Live, didn't buy the plugSE version as it was supposed to be free. U r the man! GREAT JOB! The only thing missing for me is some values for the step sequencers.

Thanks for sharing!!

What values are you talking about in the step sequencer?

What values are you talking about in the step sequencer?
I was talking about note values when modulating OSC 1 Freq for exemple, but I guess I'll just have to look at my Mopho's screen. Problem SOLVED ;-)

Thank you very much for replying!

PS: think I've found a bug in the seq destination window, it seem that OSC 1 and 2 Freq (aka OSC ALL Freq) is replaced by OSC 1 and 2 Pulse Width (in fact this one appears two times).


I was talking about note values when modulating OSC 1 Freq for exemple, but I guess I'll just have to look at my Mopho's screen. Problem SOLVED ;-)

Thank you very much for replying!

PS: think I've found a bug in the seq destination window, it seem that OSC 1 and 2 Freq (aka OSC ALL Freq) is replaced by OSC 1 and 2 Pulse Width (in fact this one appears two times).


Thanks very much for this!
Glad you like the patch Bjoern.

I am working slowly on a new version that has patch memory without using Sysex. One thing that bothers me is that when I flip through presets on the Mopho itself the patch doesn't change with it. I use presets most times to get started then tweak from there to make the sound I like. So, I hope to have a working version that when the preset changes on the Mopho, the patch reflects all of these changes. This does not use Sysex, rather I built a internal database with all the parameters. You can import your banks library and that way it is custom to everyone.

I hope to get this version working by the end of the year sometime.

Sounds great, man! Glad you keep working on this one. Please keep it up!

One question: If i turn a knob on the Mopho x4 the values don't update in Live 9.1.4. MParam Send is set to NRPN in the global parameters.

Oh and can you please explain the VCA Level knob in the Amp screen? Is it accessible on the Mopho x4? If I turn it up it's all drones and basically unstoppable. Is it meant as a modulation destination?

Stupid me, didn't know the values only update when in record mode. Working now.

That preset thing you're working on, I'm very much looking forward to it!

Thanks again!
Robocop. My next release will have the text on the sequencer destinations fixed.
Hello techbuzz,

First of all thanks very much for designing this. I have a small issue with it though and I was wondering if you could help me out. I opened it up on live, but when i click on 'Read Sysex File' nothing happens! Any idea what would be the cause? Is there any other way of importing the patches to the control slim?

Please let me know

Thanks in advance

Are you on a PC or Mac? It should open a finder or explorer window and allow you to select a sysex file. Does this not happen at all? This is a native function to Max for the file read object. I will look at my patch and see what I can find.
Thanks for the reply techbuzz. I'm on a Mac. It's very strange that nothing happens when i click on it!!! Please let me know

Thanks a lot
Thanks for the reply techbuzz. I'm on a Mac. It's very strange that nothing happens when i click on it!!! Please let me know

Thanks a lot

Try it now. Please delete the device you have and re-download the device. I uploaded a fix. I missed a connection when I cleaned up the patch before exporting. Sorry. It should be fixed now.

Ok, I just tried. It reads the Sysex file now and I created the matrix file (matrix.jxf) but when I drag and drop the matrix file into the blue highlighted box but nothing happens… :(
sorry for the typo, i meant when i drag and drop the matrix file into the blue highlighted box nothing happens.

When you drag and drop the matrix file that just writes internally where the file is. if you dragged the file into the box it should be fine. You can tell if the entire sysex has been read properly if you change the patch number and the name shows up and the parameters change.

When you drag and drop the matrix file that just writes internally where the file is. if you dragged the file into the box it should be fine. You can tell if the entire sysex has been read properly if you change the patch number and the name shows up and the parameters change.
I can browse the patches and the parameters change, but the patch name doesn't show up for some reason.

I uploaded a new version that should work now. I also made a short video on how to load the sysex file into the patch and deal with the matrix file import. I also made a short video on how to do this. Hope this helps
This one works perfectly. Thank you so much
First off, let me say: WONDERFUL DEVICE!! Secondly, YES it does work with the Mopho desktop. Now, I do have 2 questions:

1. Where's the initialize button that you mention in the description? I've looked throughout the device but can't seem to locate it. I may just be overlooking it's obvious location, but, I sure could use some direction.

2. What would you recommend to be the best way to set up a midi track in order to have the device update when any changes are made on the unit itself? I know that, if I'm simply using the Ableton sequencer by drawing in notes, it should be simple: just set the midi out channel to the channel on my midi device that my Mopho's midi in port is connected to then the midi in to the channel on my midi device that the Mopho's midi out channel is connected to. But, my concern is, if I'm using an external controller to send notes to the Mopho, which would obviously then occupy the "MIDI IN" portion on the midi track, how would the device be able to update when changes are made on the Mopho itself?

This currently isn't a problem for me because I have no current plans of doing any edition on the Mopho itself, but, I would just like a suggestion, just in case.

Thanks again for such a great device!!

It is inside the patch still. There is a toggle button connected to a gate that is connected to a blue send object next to the NRPN routing. This is only visible at the moment inside the patch in the editing environment. I never deleted it I just removed it from the presentation. If you want to add it back just make the toggle available in the presentation. The functionality is still there and it still works.

I setup a midi track with only a input from the Mopho and then have this device in the track and an external instrument device after it sending to the Mopho on Ch1. I then have the external instrument device set to the audio input for the Mopho. If you change a setting on the Mopho the patch changes. I do this through USB. If you want to use an external device as well you would want to either route the MIDI in an Ableton track from the device to the Mopho track. Or, us a 5pin MIDI cable connected to the MIDI in on the Mopho on the same channel. This might cause a contention situation through if Ableton send data to the Mopho and the same parameter from another controller sends the same parameter as well.

Thanks for the suggestion on setting up the Mopho and your device in Live. Would have never thought of trying that due to fear of their being a loopback on the MIDI.

Thanks once again for such a great device.
Hi Techbuzz,
First of all... Thank you!!! This device is great!
Would you be so kind to make everything mappable (drop-down menus and stepvalues included)?
And push-friendly, if possible(maybe exposing the same text that appears on the unit itself on the push screen. Look at this )?
Would be lovely to control the mopho from push!

I"m using it with a mopho desktop so hope it could be done! Thanks!

Not every item in this device is mappable. Nearly everything that is can be accessed via push. Menu items are not allowed for whatever reason to be mappable to live. This is not my device. It is a limitation of M4L or Live itself. The same problem exists on the device you linked to. The filter is a menu item. It is not mappable. I believe this is a feature request that would like to be added by users.

If you want you can change the mapping to your liking. This is the beauty of free open devices like this. Open the device and when it is open in Max goto to the View-> Parameters menu. This will pull up all the parameters in the device. Menu items will show and you can type in a number but it will then return to zero. Anything that is mappable the number will stick. The banks on Push show from low number to high number. So if you want you can change this to your liking.

Hope this helps.
Hell! You're right. My fault.
Usefull info here. I'll try your suggestion and report back here if I discover something usefull. Looking at the logic of the parameters page I have a feeling that what I want can be done. Let's try! ( first time I'm going to edit a maxpatch)
Do you think there's a way to add the steps of the sequencers to the list?

Thank you!

The only way I know how to make the step sequencer mappable would be to change it to knobs. Not a multi slider like I have now. I personally don't like that for the step sequencer. I wanted to make this look like the sound tower tool when I originally designed it. To do this would require that entire module of the code to be reprogrammed. I personally don't want to do that. Sorry.

If you have never programmed in max it would be a good first project to try. Build a 16knob per sequencer module in front of this device. That would give you want your want. All the NRPN code is available in this patch to reuse. So you wouldn't have to figure all of that out yourself.
Ok. I managed to expose everything. No drop-down menus of course.
How about changing the drop-downs into knobs. Knobs are mappable and you don't have to stick with numbers for the values ( look at osc-shape). Or I could simply look at mopho's display to see the value.
Not ideal but at least mouseless.
Your help is highly appreciated!

Ok. Fair enough! So the sequencer could be done.
I'll try dissecting the 16 macros device tonight.
I know nearly nothing about max but I'll try.
I love my push and i love my love mopho... Let's fuse them together!

I'll report back!
Ok. Fair enough! So the sequencer could be done.
I'll try dissecting the 16 macros device tonight.
I know nearly nothing about max but I'll try.
I love my push and i love my love mopho... Let's fuse them together!

I'll report back!

Take a look at this device.

Put it in front of mine and set it up for the proper NRPN numbers for the sequencer. These values are listed in the manual. I have not used it but if you use multiple instances you probably can get the extra functionality that you want. Since you only want to control from Live to a Mopho this might work without you having to dive into max to hard. Then just map to regular Live knobs and you are good to go.

Or strip out what you want to use as a building block for your own custom device. That is how I got started with max.

I highly suggest you try to learn max it is a great programming environment and is very easy to learn. The help system is top notch. That will allow you to create and modify anything you want.

Hi Techbuzz,
thank you for your help and your suggestions but at the end I found this
It does all I asked for. It's easy to use and it does a patch-dump everytime you change patch so everything is in sync. And the price is fair, too. Only 10 euro.
Of course Ableton got in my way with the 128 parameter.
So I paired it with one of hyakken's fantastic sequencers (16x6).
Back to music now!

Good luck!

Hi Techbuzz,

This Max4Live device that you created for controlling the Mopho x4 is excellent, and I can even use it to at least partially control my Rev 2. In regard to controlling the Mopho x4, however, the link that you provided for downloading your syses file is no longer valid. Would you mind providing a new link?



Thanks for commenting. The link is updated.
Hi Techbuzz,

Sorry I missed your update back in September. I haven't been using M4L devices for a while due to ongoing changes in my home studio, and I'm just getting back to doing so.

The sysex file you posted worked great: I first used it to update my DS Mopho x4 to the patch organization that you use. Then, I just followed your instructions within the Mophox4 Control Slim Max device to basically synch the device's patch names with the Mopho. I can now (finally - THANK YOU!) control my Mopho x4 from within Live! It's going to speed up my composing significantly.

There is one issue that I've noticed: if you have more than one instance of the Mophox4 Control Slim instantiated in Live - for example, to control more than one Mopho x4 or a Mopho x4 and the patch selection on a REV-2 - there is an issue where any changes made to one max device immediately affect the second one. Even when the Max devices are on different midi channels or if I set each external synth to a specific midi channel, the problem still happens.

Do you know of any way to basically isolate the function of one instance of your Mopho x4 Control Slim from another in Live?


HI Tom,

It has to do with how max handles the send and receive objects. I am not sure how this would be fixed. The patch is free and open so you can edit it for your specific needs. I only have one Mopho and never ran into this problem. There are multiple send receives in this patch so they would all need to be modified to fix the problem you are seeing.

Hope this helps.
Thanks for the tip. I had figured that the receive objects might be the place to start since the Max object help info explains that they are cable-less and can receive any incoming midi messages. That is where I'll start. If I can find a solution, I will let you know!

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