Device Details


Name | Version: Electribe ES-1 1.0
Author: cooptrol
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: This little patch controls Pitch, Volume and Pan of the 10 parts of the Electribe ES-1 sampler. It has to be used with the MidiOX application since M4L doesnt support NRPNs yet. You have to download this zip file
install MidiOX (pc only) and load the ini file. Configure your midi ports (MidiYoke required) so that Live controls MidiOX and MidiOX controls ES1. Maybe i will add controls to other parameters in the future. Its easy though: MidiOX can detect and map any NRPN to any CC.


Live Version Used: 8.1
Max Version Used:
Date Added: Dec 29 2009 16:53:26
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 816
License: None
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Device File: Electribe ES-1.amxd


Sweet, would love to see a device like this for the EMX-1 and ESX-1.
Well in fact its simply a dial array to send out midi controller values. the trick is in the midi ox configuration. open "midi status" in midi ox and tweak the electribes' knobs, and youll see wich NRPN number corresponds to each knob or button, then in options>data mapping add maps that convert controller numbers into the NRPNs. i hope Ableton includes NRPN support in next versions so that we dont have to use midi ox any more
hey mate, you might appreciate these tutorials on working with NRPN's in M4L

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