Device Details


Name | Version: Synthpond4Live 1.0
Author: dfodel
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Synthpond4Live connects the OSC output of Zach Gage's excellent and fun iOS app "Synthpond" to Ableton Live via Max4Live. More info on Synthpond here:

The OSC data generates Note info for each placed "Node" in Synthpond, and generates CC data for any Node that has been set in "Orbit" in Synthpond.

Synthpond emits on 36 Nodes. If a Node is active it will flash yellow in the Node grid in the M4L patch.
Select Node by clicking on the Node number in the grid.
Selected Node will display its editable parameters:
1. Learn assigns a Synthpond orbit to a selected Live control. That control is indicated in the text below the Learn button.
2. Glide Time controls the speed that it takes to move between orbit position readings, which are indicated by the dial.

MIDI channel can be selected for the Note output.

Synthpond4Live makes use of the CNMAT OSC Route object. This device is Mac and Windows compatible.


Live Version Used: 8.2.7
Max Version Used: 5
Date Added: Mar 27 2013 14:48:20
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 349
License: AttributionShareAlike
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Device File: Synthpond4Live.amxd

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