Device Details


Name | Version: PocketSeq 1.1
Author: hyakken
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Analog type Sequencer.
I made this for doepfer pocket dial.
You can use without pocket dial.

Pocket dial has 4bank.
First bank for first row.

First Row Midi CC 0~15
Second Row Midi CC 17~32
Third Row Midi CC 33~48
Last ROW Midi CC 49~64

add random and clear buttons to each row

speed: CC65(1~7)
direction: CC66(1~5)
start: CC67(1~16)
end: CC67(17~32)
min: CC68
max: CC69
smooth: CC70
random: CC80(1)
clear: CC80(2)

speed: CC65(8~14)
start: CC67(33~48)
end: CC67(49~64)
min: CC71
max: CC72
smooth: CC73
random: CC80(3)
clear: CC80(4)

speed: CC65(15~21)
start: CC67(65~80)
end: CC67(81~96)
min: CC74
max: CC75
smooth: CC76
random: CC80(5)
clear: CC80(6)

Midi CC
speed: CC65(22~28)
start: CC67(97~112)
end: CC67(113~128)
min: CC77
max: CC78
smooth: CC79
random: CC80(7)
clear: CC80(8)

multiple issue

fixed few bugs

fixed midi issue

added map option


Live Version Used: 9.0.4
Max Version Used: 6.1.2
Date Added: Jul 03 2013 02:08:57
Date Last Updated: Aug 02 2013 23:46:15
Downloads: 1616
License: None
Average Rating (2)

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Device File: PocketSeq.amxd


oooooohh lala. kick ass! nice work!
Hi nice one here realy like this seq ^^
But i've noticed when closing ableton the settings made on the sequencer did not save with the project.
When reopening my project bad luck but the nice sequence was gone.
Maybe a way to fix this please?

Thnx in advance sincerly Yann
There are bubbles on the right end.
These are presets.
Shift + click on a bubble,
you can save your seq.
And then you should save the preset.
In this way you can recall your seq.
truly my favourite new sequencer. i only wish Live had a standard 16 macros when grouping devices.
i mapped the 1st rows seq controls
{quantisation, start-end, direction, etc..}
to the 8 macros when grouped so my apc40 can blue hand those.
then mapped the pitch/vel/dur to my bcr 2000.
almost like having a true analog seq..hehe.

thanks for update!
made a lil viddy using PocketSeq,

not the best quality, gotta work on my conversions, but the sound is sharp
Thats nice vid!
I like your sound.
I updated the patch.
Now you can control almost all parameters by midi cc.
hmm. just tried to have multiple pocketseq's in one live set.
4 seq's triggering 4 different kits.
but each one is still passing its sequence to the other, and/or,
i can't seem to have them running at the same time, without each midi track getting its own sequence..

getting muddled.
thoughts ?
hello,i tried to fix multiple issue.
if the problem is unsolved,please report again.
initial test with 2 instances a sequencing success!
will be digging deeper tomorrow and building a
pocketseqX4 sequencing rack.

thanks for the update..
so far so good with multi pocketseq rack.
noticing something different..
doesn't seem to play well with abletons arpeggiators
second screen capture., playing with the beginnings of the multi pocketseq rack:

basics down. enjoy
any thoughts on the arpeggiator quandry ?
opened up the patch and connected the midi in to the midi out.
now abletons arps work just swimmingly, here's a screenshot:
reckon the arp thing is fixed. though, i am not a m4l device editor by any means. so definitely don't take my word on it.
thanks for fixing.
i updated the patch.
grazi for your continued efforts!
wonderful wonderful
am i missing something? in essence, i should be able to put this in front of any ableton instrument and go, correct? it seems there is no midi out signal coming from the pocketseq. any help is appreciated. really excited to use this patch!
be sure to set some
Velocity - 2nd row levels
and Duration -3rd row levels.
without those, it doesn't output anything.

or, just hit the R (random) button. and you'll get instant gratification.
aaaand. make sure, if its on a separate midi track,
that your midi inputs are set to accept midi from pocketseq.


doh! duh. thank you.
curious if its possible to make pocket seq a longer sequencer ?
say 24 or 32 steps.

perhaps a variation without the bottom CC row.

just thinkin
curious @hyakken.. i have yet to make use of the cc row.
what dost thou use it for...?
I have updated the patch.
I added map option to the last row.
Now you can map the parameter you want to control.
great idea - time to dig out the pocketdial

which preset (dip switch) setting did you use on the pocketdial?

I don't use initial preset.
I use customized preset.
You can make your own preset by using the editor below.

my setteing;
bank1 = cc0~cc15
bank2 = cc17~32
bank3 = cc33~48
bank4 = cc49~64

if you set like this you can control pocketseq.

Hi, any chance that you add all steps (the round lights above each knob) visible in push or external controller by creating parameter values ilke the knobs? I really really would like that, I have reorder the the list of the knobs but I stuccoed here...please this would allow me to make a very usable ipad template for your great device!
Hello Hyakken, first many thanks for this excellent piece of work. But there's one thing driving me crazy while I'm working with Pocket Seq - With the bubbles on the right side - a good Idea, but would it be possible to create a "Default" Preset comming on startup? I would be very happy of this feature, cause I'm building a setup with more than one of your sequencers - and now I must to go in every single Sequencer and select the first Bubble before I can begin to Play.
Ahh - and maybe it would be useful that PocketSeq stores the Parameters for Min & Max in the Note Row - what do you think?
@lek @lqud

Now I'm making pocketseq2.
I am going to sell pocketseq2 for 2$.
This is the interface.

In this version I can answer your requests.
And maybe this weekend.
Thank you - it looks very good - I'm curious
@hyakken any chance you can send me your email address I have some requests for you, thx in advance sylvain.garcia(at)touch-able(dot)com
hehe - me too ;-)
tc (at) soundmanufacture (dot) net

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