Device Details


Name | Version: M4L SRR-BRR Step Sequencer 1.3
Author: egnouf
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: SRR BRR Step Sequencer V1.3 (23th september 2013)
an XOX Sample & Bit reduction step sequencer inspired by the Octatrack effets.

The sequencer is derived from the sample rate reduction (SRR) and bit rate reduction (BRR) effects from the Octatrack.

You can get nice surprising harmonics when you set the SRR values quite down.

You can get quite dirty and noizy results when doing the same with the BRR values.

You can go to new rich sound HARMONICS when playing with the AMF/AMD options :-)


** Use this patch with a Drum or BASS loop/FX /SYNTH/PAD NOTES to create easily nice sound harmonics sequences!

Main Functions
- You can change the Sample Rate and the Bit Rate for each steps
- You can add HARMONICS to your sounds using the AMF & AMD options
- You can RANDOMIZE the SRR and BRR values,
- You can RANDOMIZE the steps sequence,
- secret panel

- You can change the direction, playing forward or reverse
- You can select the speed for each row -> 1/16, 1/8, 1/32, etc.
- you can change the length of the sequence from 1 step to 16 steps.
- all the functions can be mapped on your favorite midi controller.
New in version 1.3
- Smaller UI
- LIMITER added
- AMF & AMD options added, brings a lot of rich hamornics

New in Version 1.2 (10th september)
- few gui and code improvements

New in Version 1.1 (9th september 2013)
- I removed the swing function
- I changed slightly the GUI

Support, Participation & Futures Functions:

Don't hesitate to leave a comment if you have any issues, request, new features :-)

Either use the M4L community, or drop me a mail at

/// Support me and donate, a little sum is enough!
/// Thanks!


Live Version Used: 9.0.5
Max Version Used: 6.1.3
Date Added: Sep 08 2013 17:19:24
Date Last Updated: Mar 13 2016 15:25:16
Downloads: 2463
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: M4L SRR-BRR Step Sequencer V1.3.amxd

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