Device Details


Name | Version: APC40 Mouse 1.1
Author: aminoplacid
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: UPDATE: This is now multi-threaded (via Java) so the mouse movement will not hose the Live environment by pegging the CPU! Please let me know if the Java code does not download with this device and I will try to work out how to include it. Additionally, as this is now Java based, it should run on Windows.

UPDATE 2: Just learned about freezing devices so this ought to include all files required.

This is a device specifically built for the APC40 but could probably be modded a bit for the Launchpad. It controls the mouse via the button grid on the device and also has navigation buttons to emulate the navigation from the keyboard.

It should work (to some degree) with more than one monitor.

Just use the Metronome button to turn it on/off.

Please critique. Thanks!


Live Version Used: 8.1
Max Version Used:
Date Added: Feb 09 2010 00:30:01
Date Last Updated: Feb 26 2010 12:27:14
Downloads: 1057
License: Attribution
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Device File: APC40 Mouse.amxd


I haven't got this to work. It seems that on my system the patch doesnt seem to recognise the and aka.keyboard objects.
by house i mean mouse
I ditched the aka.mouse and aka.keyboard objects in this latest update. When I edited the text above, I couldn't upload the device because I wanted to package it as a zip file. I uploaded the latest device which (hopefully) will contain the java file required. Presuming it does, you will need to compile the java file. To do this, edit the patch, click the "viewsource" message connected to the mxj MaxRobot object. Under the Java menu, Click the Open Compile Window and compile.

Previously, this device would only run on Mac because of the aka objects. Because this uses Java, it should run on Windows too but it has not been tested. I would appreciate feedback on results using Windows.

Hi Mate,

I've opened and unfrozen the patch, clicked the view source message box.... And nothing happens....

Sorry i really think this looks just like what i'm after!


This patch is a great idea, really want to use it. However I'm also struggling to get it working. I can't get viewsource to do anything. I've struggled to get other java devices working as well like the 'delete clip' patch (on this site for download) which also uses java.

Do we need to manually do something like copy a java or class file here? /Applications/Max5/Cycling '74/java/classes ?
it doesn t work what can I do to fix it

mfg j3H

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