Device Details


Name | Version: ninsopolis OB-12 editor v0.01 0.01
Author: ninsopolis
Device Type: Instrument
Description: ninsopolis OB-12 editor v0.01

this is (very much) a *work in progress*, soon-enough
to be a fully fledged OB-12 editor. (the LCD died on the actual synth ... it was either do this or let it rust in the corner!)

i have opted to upload it at this early stage in hope that i might fuel the flame for developing some really sweet m4l synth editors.

to note -

- most of the MIDI communication is done via NRPN CC's - I was a bit peeved at first, as the initial reading i did suggested that live filtered this data out ... fortunately, it doesn't! MIDI communication is done directly from max to live ... no shady loopback evil necessary. if you're looking to program a synth editor and need to use NRPN CC's, have a look inside - it's a mess at the moment, but i've still saved you a few hours of cursing :)

- Missing features ...

* Support for multimode
* FX control
* many Velocity and Aftertouch related parameters
* Two way communication. At the moment, the plug
pays no regard to data sent back from the OB-12.

And more I'm sure ... As mentioned, this is mostly
broken at the moment ... but it's at the same time quite close to working and useful stage.

Comments, suggestions, and feature requests welcomed! This is a weird synth, and I'd like to streamline it into the sensical realm if at all possible.

Usage: Slap it into a midi track and point the midi out in live to your OB-12. Make sure the OB-12 is configured to listen for NRPN's, CCs, Sysex .. etc ... See the midi filter sections in the system menu.


Live Version Used: 8.1
Max Version Used:
Date Added: Feb 09 2010 03:04:26
Date Last Updated: Feb 09 2010 03:05:10
Downloads: 1045
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: ninsopolis OB-12 editor v0.01.amxd


thanks for your efforts! will try this asap..
I was able to edit parameters while playing live with ob12 - which is cool..
but when I enter some notes to a clip, it doesnt send to ob12.. :(
this is still pretty damn broken, as noted ... also, i think i'm going to make the interface open up via a seperate window, as there's just too much shit going on to stack it all horizontally ... expect a new version in the coming weeks

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