Device Details


Name | Version: ScopeSync 1.0
Author: wellis
Device Type: Instrument
Description: ScopeSync is a set of patches for high resolution control of Modular synth devices created for the Sonic|Core Scope DSP platform. It connects to a set of partner modules in Scope Modular.

Full details of ScopeSync can be found here:

You must have at least one Scope DSP card or Xite-1/d interface to make use of these patches. The patches are included as part of the BC Modular module set. This also includes the necessary Max Package for mxj~ aspects.

Screenshot shows the 64 control version. There are 16, 32 and 128 control versions included in the pack.

Automapping indexes are set up to allow multi-bank control from Ableton Push.


Live Version Used: 9.1.1
Max Version Used: 6.1.5
Date Added: Mar 12 2014 06:18:59
Date Last Updated: Mar 30 2014 04:21:04
Downloads: 4
License: AttributionShareAlike
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Thanks! 32-bit "MIDI" over a single audio cable, brilliant!
Interesting stuff. Does his mean sample accurate midi or are the limitations of midi still apparent and the real benefit is the tidying up of comms between applications?
Sorry, only just saw these comments, will have to see if there's a way of being notified!

Re. sample accurate MIDI, I tried to get as close to that as I could, but it will need to be tested in different scenarios to see how well it actually performs. A lot will depend on how well Max handles the passing of MIDI data into mxj.

The Java source code for this is on github now, so feel free to have a poke around if you're interested:

To be honest, the main target of the MIDI passthrough was to workaround Live's arcane track types, so a single track could be used to model a device in Scope. I'm now looking into other methods of communication, e.g. UDP.

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