Device Details


Name | Version: gLeechFOs 1.0.1
Author: pp
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: NEW UPDATE: 'gLeechFOs' version 1.0.1 + 'Leecher' version 0.9

- LFO utility device (gLeechFOs) and wavetable glitcher device (Leecher) based on Gregory Taylor's excellent 'LFO Tutorial' series; including Live parameter modulation mappings and OSC broadcasting and much more...

- Deepest, humblest apologies and THANKS to Gregory Taylor.

- 4 LFO's + 1 sum of these LFO's == a LFO summing playground and 5 sample-accurate parameter modulations (selectable via menus) and 6 additional configurable OSC broadcasts of this data. All parts of the device can be fully deactivated / activated, conserving CPU and making it many devices in one. NOW INCLUDED: 40 preset slots save-recall, faster & more cpu efficient code, better documented, bugs fixed, and:

- In the previously released version of gLeechFOs there was a sample glitching section built in. However, in this 1.0.1 update release this is separated off into a new device called Leecher. This is actually a development of the previous sample section and can be used on its own as well as downstream of a gLeechFOs instance with bespoke audio/data routings between the two. Leecher also includes (yet) another parameter modulation mapper based around a quirky quasi envelope following technique. Also with previous features included such as beat-synced recording, loop selections etc.

- included in .zip file download:
- gLeechFOs.amxd - frozen Max Audio Effect Device
- Leecher.amxd - frozen Max Audio Effect Device
- gLeechFOsLeecherUnit.adg - an Audio Effect Rack with the gLeechFOs and Leecher duo mapping already set up for you (see image)

N.B. - ALL parameters etc are documented via Live's 'Info View', so take a look if you get stuck.

Requirements - Live 8.2.2 / Max (M4L) 5.1.8 - will not work with earlier versions.

P.S. - full compatibility with previous 0.9 version cannot be guaranteed.


Live Version Used: 8.2.2
Max Version Used: 5.1.8
Date Added: Mar 11 2010 20:27:38
Date Last Updated: May 16 2011 08:36:57
Downloads: 11838
License: AttributionShareAlike
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hey this looks fantastic.

I would strongly recommend splitting the LFOs away from the sample glitcher. I think that would also help make the interface more intuitive.

Great work, can't wait to play with this.
hi wetterberg, thanks.

to be honest i think i agree with you about the sample glitcher part - overkill maybe in this device. i am thinking of ditching it all together for 'version 1'. (would anyone mind?). i will do some general updates soon and see how it goes.

i just uploaded another parameter modulator here: ... if anyone is interested.

wow, cool...
but my parameters bindings don't get saved... is it only me?
hi zlatko. pp here. glad you like it.

when i released this device the parameter assignments DID get saved. however, since then Cycling74 released version 5.1.4 (which i guess is what you are using) which completely broke all pattr objects that reside in subpatchers / abstractions. apparently this will be fixed in the next incremental (5.1.5), but until then we are all screwed.

if you search the various forums this is confirmed. a real shame, but we just have to be patient. i will be updating this all very soon anyway.
maybe you can already fix the problem with the updated objects downloadable here:
there is a new pattr available updated at 0707.
It's exactly what i wanted to make. Thx a lot.
Is there any video tutorial on how to operate this wonderful device? Just downloaded, but have no idea as to how to get the most "glitchy" sounds out of it :-( Need a little help here, Thanks in advanced!
hi all. pp here.

eltnet, thanks! give me more opinions ideas if you have them.

vampireangel and all: i have a better updated version of this on the go, using poly~s etc, and also separated the glitch part from the lfos part into separate devices, together in a simple rack. hopefully uploading soon, WITH documentation...

hello again, pp here.

@everyone: May 2011 device updated to version 1.0.1, including all previously mentioned bugs fixed and many new features / more stable design.

let me know how you get on,
- pp .

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