Device Details


Name | Version: Tricolor 1.0
Author: 12RT2
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: A device that gives you visual color feedback when controlling parameters. It changes the track color according to selected parameters.
Two layouts are available: 3 parameters, each controls a R,G,B value, or an ON\OFF that maps a selected device state to a specific color.

M4L developers: __ This device gives you a method of 'reveres mapping' we're not used to see in m4l patches. Instead of controlling the mapped parameter using the patch logic, the selected parameter is the one who control the patch. You're more than welcome to use this logic in your patches__



Live Version Used: 9.1.6
Max Version Used: 6.1.9
Date Added: Nov 25 2014 06:36:39
Date Last Updated: Nov 25 2014 09:00:43
Downloads: 631
License: None
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Device File: Tricolor.amxd


Those kind of patches can be really useful.
Unfortunately it's not possible to change Live's GUI elements color without feeding the undo history.
You're right. Thanks for noting. But it's a trade-off between flexibility and better user experience . Here, it's designed for the latter, especially when on stage, when you need the feedback, and probably won't make any undo's. Until Live will offer a remote~ control of things other than device parameters, this is the best i can give...

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