Device Details


Name | Version: Spektro PS-8 1.1
Author: IcaroFerre
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: 8-step analog-style sequencer for the Ableton Push inspired by analog sequencers such as the Korg SQ-10 and Moog 960 Sequential Controller.
PS-8 is great for live performance and improvisation.
The main difference between PS-8 and other Push sequencers is that it uses the Push encoders to change the pitch / velocity of the eight steps and rows of pads to control other parameters such as gate length, shuffle amount and direction.

Video demo:

Since PS-8 uses custom controls for the Push, you must activate the Push Control button after loading the device. While active, Push Control will overwrite some of the Push controls / functions.
You can turn Push Control off at anytime by clicking on the Exit red button available on the top-left corner of the grid (Select button #1).

By default, the eight encoders control the pitch of the steps. In order to use the encoders to control the velocity of the steps, hold down the orange button available on the top-right corner of the grid (Select button #8). This is a momentary switch so you must keep holding the button down while changing the velocity of the steps.
Whenever you touch one of the encoders, the respective control on the main GUI will light up in order to provide visual feedback.

The first row of pads (green) lets you switch steps on and off.
The 2nd row (also green) displays the position of the step sequencer. You can also click on any of the pads in this row to jump to a specific position.
Rows 5 (purple), 6 (orange) and 7 (light blue) control gate length, shuffle amount, and mode respectively.
The speed / rate of the clock can be controlled using the Push Scene / Grid buttons.

Current limitations:
- The pitch, velocity and state of the steps can only be controlled using the Push.
- Since PS-8 was designed to be used for live performance, the pitch and velocity of all the steps will be set to C3 / 100 whenever the device gets loaded (meaning you won't be able to store sequences within projects). It's possible, however, to record MIDI sequences by routing the output of the PS-8 to a different MIDI track.
- The 2nd row (green) can only be used to jump to different positions when the sequencer is set to Mode 1 (Up) or 2 (Down).

PS-8 is developed by Spektro Audio.

Check out our MaxforLive devices at

PS-8 uses modified / adapted parts from the Ableton Push Development Kit originally developed by Florian Zand.




- New Push Control modes: In A (Auto) mode, you can activate Push Control using the Push In and Out buttons while the device is selected. M (Manual) mode lets you manually control Push Control using the button (like the previous version). I believe this will vastly improve the PS-8 workflow. Let me know if you find any bugs.


- Initial Release


Live Version Used: 9.1.6
Max Version Used: 6.1.9
Date Added: Nov 27 2014 09:18:00
Date Last Updated: Dec 08 2014 07:26:07
Downloads: 6194
License: Attribution
Average Rating (2)

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Device File: Spektro PS-8 1.1.amxd


thanks for the free device, it looks great!
Super neat patching!! Thanx for sharing, this is quality!!
Really nice device, would fit perfectly in my liveset if you didn't need to click push control each time. Could this be midi mappable? I love how the skinnerbox patch 'time and timbre' works. When you select the track push is updated automatically. Could this be implemented for this device.

Great work, us push users need more stuff like this.... Thanks
i like the concept. I hope you're going to expand on this somehow. Make it 32 (or even 64) steps and add a row for cc/parameter control and this is a monster sequencer. I would pay for it!
Add presets that start playing in legato or not (for example using the shift button when you want legato) and you are my new God!
I know nothing about max-programming so I hope you're listening.

Oh oh oh...I forgot! A hold function for acidlovers like me would invaluable!

Thank for your work!!
I don't know why but in automatic mode the lights don't show up .
Works i n Manual...Any idea? This patch is great, I miss being able to use it on stage because of that
Agree with the post above - adding more steps and if the knobs could switched back and forth between pitch and cc messages would be amazing...
This sequencer is RIGHT ON THE MONEY!!! Well done indeed!

Now we just need a way to bank for more steps. This tool is invaluable besides this one feature!
You seem dope at creating devices. You think you could create something I've been trying to find? If you are familiar with 30 Days of Ableton Push. There is a Push CC's feature. That is what I want re created. I am willing to pay if you can do something similar to it. Please let me know!
Gutted. Looks like exactly what I need but doesn't seem to work on Push 2. Am I being an idiot????? Or is that right, it doesn't work?????
Awesome device. I have it working on push2 now. just the display part missing at the moment
3phase how did you get it to work with Push2?

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