Device Details


Name | Version: Szk Chaos Pack 1.0
Author: floszk
Device Type: Instrument
Description: A collection of 8x devices and midi instruments dedicated to autogenerative music and Live’s parameters modulations. Randomizer, Fractal synth, Strange Attractors patterns, Modulation with audio input, this packs includes useful devices to explore chaos, automations and live interactions.

Included devices :



An auto-evolutive fractal synth based on the Gingerbreadman algorithm. Patterns can be generated and repeated at different scales allowing you to produce a wide range of musical sequences. The synth includes 3 oscillators, 1 ADSR and a Effect Chain (Bitcrusher, Reverb and Filter). A Note Scaler allows you to easy create melodies to fit your project. Grips with Envelopes make the synth semi-modular and introduce the possibility to play with retro-feedback on the synth parameters, or to modulate effects and devices on other tracks. A Midi Send feature is included to send midi notes to other midi Instruments (Midi Receiver included). Gingerbreadsynth is ultra cool !


A complex Synth Instrument and Modulator based on quadratic mapping of strange attractors. The synth’s algorithm generates a quasi-unlimited quantity of strange attractors that allow you to control different modules and to combine them. Three Modules are available : a 2x Oscillators Synthetizer, a MIDI Sender and an Ableton Live API’s Controler. Calculated values from the quadratic system are used to feed these Modules to create a wide range of auto-generated sounds.


This device is made to generate random midi notes at various speed. Set the generator’s tempo, define different ranges for the notes you want to be played then hit the button ! You can introduce more chaos with an additional random delay range. Then you can create glich effects by playing with the mouse over the x-y area.



An Audio Effect part of the HENONMODULES pack that allows you to take control of Live's parameters and modulate them with the attractors.


Grip Live’s parameter on a knob, draw his behaviour’s automation and trigg it in function of the audio signal input ! Plug any instrument (guitar, bass, keyboard, voice etc…) and play with effects !


Shaker allows you to grip Live's parameter on knobs and change their values randomly to create automated variations, from fine modulations to total chaotic strange sounds. Shaking ! One Shaker can grip up to 5 parameters. On a same Shaker you can grip any parameters located on different places of your Live set. Use many Shaker for complex configurations !


Midi note converter / 8 notes converted / Simply check which note is coming and choose which note will be played. Made to ease you work with external midi controler without changing presets.

A minimalist device to scale Midi notes. It reproduces the presets available on the Ableton Live Scale effect, and new scalings can be drawn. You can also transpose notes from -36 st to + 36 st. A preset module can be used to write/load .maxpresets files.

Documentation is available within the devices.


For more information please visit :


Live Version Used: 9.2
Max Version Used: 7.0.5
Date Added: Sep 11 2015 07:54:09
Date Last Updated: Feb 19 2020 17:51:43
Downloads: 3
License: Commercial
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