Device Details


Name | Version: LaunchDoc - an external document launcher 2.0
Author: WaterHorse
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Ableton is likely capable of doing almost everything we need for our live concerts and media projects, but at times we resort to a 3rd party program for the sake of saving time and comfort. If you have ever wanted to streamline your setup by just opening one file that loads up other files, much like the way we treat vst’s here is a device that allows you to do so.
Just add in your third party file that contains external mappings, associated video, text lyrics, or whatever you want to go with the corresponding session file, then click the button to open (or midi map it). Enable and disable the synchronous launch of that file with the Ableton session file and your off!

I personally see this useful in a dedicated music computer setup. You could theoretically get all of your hardware and software mapped, launch live on startup, set your default session file with the use of 3rd party application files, turn on a computer with absolutely no monitor, and everything just works! (…in theory)

I personally have been using this to handle my software midi routing from MidiPipe:
I have specific routings for different projects and can load them up distinctly with each .als file

Note: One current bug is that the launch on startup toggle doesnt seem to work. I'll work to fix it but for now hopefully you want to use it to launch up documents with the session file.


Live Version Used: 9.2
Max Version Used: 7.0.4
Date Added: Oct 29 2015 16:35:30
Date Last Updated: Nov 19 2016 12:58:00
Downloads: 711
License: AttributionShareAlike
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Device File: LaunchDoc_v2.amxd

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