Device Details
Name | Version: | Stepper 1.1 |
Author: | dric |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | hello, here my new device, stepper. Stepper is a mix between a step sequencer and a LFO that you can automatize any parameters in live. You can on each steps set different wave forms. max 16 steps. Define speed for step, number of steps, depth and offset, you can define also if stepper play in loop or one shoot. if the button "R" is set to ON, stepper restart to step 1 with incoming midi note or restart sequencer if it's in mode one shoot. Otherwise it continu infinitly. ps: for unmap, click on and off the button "map" 1.1 the depth is bipolar now. |
Live Version Used: | 9.7 |
Max Version Used: | 7.3.1 |
Date Added: | Oct 22 2016 08:15:26 |
Date Last Updated: | Oct 23 2016 07:24:19 |
Downloads: | 19116 |
ⓘ License: | Attribution |
Average Rating
(10) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | Stepper.amxd |
I'm glad you like it, and also for your comment. :)
Posted on October 22 2016 by dric |
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Looks like a great device but I guess I won't be able to try it. It would be nice if you offered a way to download for users that choose not use Facebook. I understand what you are trying to do but there are an increasing amount of people who choose not to use Facebook.
Posted on October 23 2016 by rhythmhead |
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Rhythmhead, you can just click on download device. The url from facebook is just my page. If you want you can come on my page but it's not an obligation
Posted on October 23 2016 by dric |
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love the concept
having cpu spikes in live 9.7 though
having cpu spikes in live 9.7 though
Posted on November 05 2016 by zetterstroem |
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sorry. max 7.2.5.
7.3.1 fixed the problem
7.3.1 fixed the problem
Posted on November 05 2016 by zetterstroem |
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wow awesome job thanks man!!
Posted on November 07 2016 by omerhaber |
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very good idea , thanks
Posted on November 19 2016 by Jideh |
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Really good work dude! It's perfect for use on midi tracks. But if I want to map it to a parameter on an audio track it's not as fast and intuitive to work with cause you have to switch tracks constantly.
Have you thought about making it available as an .adv (audio effect) as well? Obviously the note in reset wouldn't work, but that could be scratched. I honestly don't program in Max myself, so I can't even tell if it is possible. But if it is - damn I would love to have this device as an adv too! :)
All the best from Denmark
Have you thought about making it available as an .adv (audio effect) as well? Obviously the note in reset wouldn't work, but that could be scratched. I honestly don't program in Max myself, so I can't even tell if it is possible. But if it is - damn I would love to have this device as an adv too! :)
All the best from Denmark
Posted on December 16 2016 by EsbenA |
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Thanks for comment, yeah it's possible. Now i've many things to do and i've not time for max, but when i've time i make one for audio track. No problem for reset, i can replace the note in by a button. Is less easy to use but Despite all with automation it can be cool.
Posted on December 17 2016 by dric |
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Great man! I'll be looking forward to that! :)
Posted on December 17 2016 by EsbenA |
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For the steps with ascending or descending curves it would be nice to be able to set both start and end values other than zero, for each step. Anyway it is an excellent job. Congratulations!
Posted on December 29 2016 by HyperVec |
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Great device, really love the all the difrerent types of steps, especially the "double time ones". Would be great to have this as an audio device, so it easily can be used for parameters on audio tracks. Cheers from Denmark.
Posted on October 20 2018 by audiobits |
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When you duplicate or group or move 2nd stepper around it gets out of sync with the first one. How to get the 2nd on track / in sync with the first one?
Also, stepper seems to run continuously. Wouldn't it make more sense to reset the start point with the starting play of the project? Or have it as an option.
Great idea for a device, just needs to grow. Seems the development has stopped. Unfortunate.
Also, stepper seems to run continuously. Wouldn't it make more sense to reset the start point with the starting play of the project? Or have it as an option.
Great idea for a device, just needs to grow. Seems the development has stopped. Unfortunate.
Posted on May 12 2019 by bigpalu |
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Hey man, just to let you know this device is fckin awesome. Cheers for creating it.
Posted on March 06 2023 by jaywoquako |
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Gotta say also - dk if you're still updating this but it would be super cool to have a 'Smooth' function whereby shapes that start or end with a peak can have a slight attack or release. This would avoid audio pops if mapped to volume for instance. Again, it's fantastic as is, but it cool be a cool feature :)
Posted on March 06 2023 by jaywoquako |
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Thanks sooo much for your work, dric!