Device Details


Name | Version: MidiStutterer 1.1
Author: opticon93
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Hi, this is a midi stutter device (it produces midi). Place it before your instrument/sample.

Stutters are triggered by incoming midi notes. Stutters can last between 128th notes and 8 bars. The length is randomly chosen between min and Max. Similarly, the speed of the stutters can be between 8th notes and 128th notes (who knows where I came up with these values).

The Stutters rise (or fall) in velocity between minV and MaxV. The Up/Dn switch determines whether stutters are rising or falling, and the button next to it randomly chooses between the two.

When Rests is set to 0, every notein triggers a stutter (theoretically). When Rests is set to 100, no stutters occur. If Rests is set to 30, then 30% (probabilistically) of the incoming notes are NOT stuttered (they just pass thru). I usually set this somewhere between 75 and 95.

Press the "Midi Stutter" button to trigger stutters by hand.

The Thru button at the bottom determines if incoming notes are passed on. With this off, only the probabilistically triggered stutters are heard. This way, you can have another hihat sample (or whatever) play the main sequence and this one only play the stutters.


Update: I made the "Midi Stutter" button automatable. That way you can draw in stutters wherever you want. In this case you should set the Rests all the way up to 100, so that there are no randomly triggered stutters.


Live Version Used: 9.7.1
Max Version Used: 7.0.6
Date Added: Mar 30 2017 18:00:42
Date Last Updated: Jul 06 2017 20:47:49
Downloads: 1555
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: MidiStutterer.amxd

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