Device Details


Name | Version: RandoMotor 2.0
Author: opticon93
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Hi, This is a note randomizer. I usually put this in front of a Drum Rack of hihat/glitches or a Simpler in Slice mode.

Any incoming midi note is randomly remapped between Min note and Min note + Range. Set the Range equal to the number of drum pads/slices.

The rest knob randomly thins out a stream of incoming notes. For example, if you have a sequencer banging out every 16th note, a Rest of 66% will only play a third of these notes.

For now, it can only handle monophonic notes.


Update: It now has two modes. With No Repeats, the same pad cannot be triggered two (or more) times in a row. In Repeats mode, each incoming note randomly chooses a pad, so there can be repeats.


Live Version Used: 11.2.7
Max Version Used: 8.3.1
Date Added: Apr 02 2017 15:54:58
Date Last Updated: Jan 19 2023 19:43:39
Downloads: 879
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: RandoMotor Mk4.amxd

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