Device Details


Name | Version: D1 Proc11 1.5
Author: opticon93
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Hi, This is a basic sequencer with a focus on drums. There are 4 sequences (Intro, Verse, Chorus, Outro), each of which can be up to 64 steps.

The Rack button redistributes the note pitches linearly from C1 up to the Length. This is mostly for Drum Racks of up to 64 slices or if you play a Simpler drum loop in Slice Mode (or "slice to drum rack").

Scramble reorders the chosen pitches and the button next to it auto scrambles on each loop (set by Start, End).

The Proc11? button turns on my attempt to simulate and midify the incredible Livecut/Bbcut Proc11 audio processor. It basically slices up the midi pattern and then lays out the slices in different orders. Maybe it is more like the MAM SQ16? I think it works best when all the Proc11 parameters (in Yellow) are a multiple of 2, but I really have no idea.


Update: The main new feature here is the bright orange button next to the Intro, Verse, Chorus, Outro (IVCO) menu, which I call the Section menu. When the new, bright orange button is off, this sequencer is not being controlled by the new, unseen force of the global IVCO sequencer found here


Live Version Used: 10.1
Max Version Used: 8
Date Added: Apr 05 2017 22:49:41
Date Last Updated: Aug 04 2019 02:26:19
Downloads: 734
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: D1 Proc11.amxd


Hi, Can you be more specific? Most everything does what it says on the tin.

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