Device Details


Name | Version: Sequenced Bit 1.0
Author: opticon93
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Hi, this is a bitcrusher thingy. It has 3 knobs: Bit, Ratio and Wet/Dry. Each knob has a dedicated step sequencer.



Live Version Used: 9.7.1
Max Version Used: 7.0.6
Date Added: May 06 2017 03:05:08
Date Last Updated: May 06 2017 03:19:26
Downloads: 735
License: None
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Device File: SequencedBit.amxd


love the idea but on my system i cannot open the sequencer. Open and Close buttons do not work, so i'm stuck with the factory default. any idea why does this happen?
Thats pretty strange. I've tried it on all three of my PC's with no problems. It only uses standard objects, including pcontrol. Maybe you are using an older version of Max? Does the Max Window provide any details (In Live, right click on the title bar-> "open max window")? Do you have the same issue with my Sequenced Filter?

Anybody else with issues?
got it. I was running Max in 32 bit mode and Live in 64 mode. Once i unchecked the 32 bit option in the "get info" dialogue of the Max Icon it works like a charm.
Awesome, glad to hear it.

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