Device Details


Name | Version: MicroLoops 1.5.1
Author: dric
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Simple Micro loops with sequencer and presets.

Learn the buttons loops with controller.
You can press some microloops buttons at the same time (with controller or automation in live) but if you release one Button, all microloops Are stopped.
Reverse work only for microloops not for the playback.
For Store, if you ave a problem with button "store" you can "shift and click" on preset.

You can automated preset in live.


(ps:It is my first audio patch, be indulgent and escuses for my english.)


0.6: some corrections of preset Automation

1.0: I add filter and Lofi + Seq for them.

1.0.1: some corrections.

1.1: I add Resonance ant Bit sequencer

1.1.1: Bug menu Filter Fixed

1.5 : i add Delay and Master volume, pan and Sequencer for them

1.5.1 : The volume was lower than the original volume of the track, i corrected this.


Live Version Used: 8.2.1
Max Version Used: 5.1.8
Date Added: Oct 20 2010 18:29:30
Date Last Updated: Jun 26 2012 09:35:26
Downloads: 10759
License: Attribution
Average Rating (7)

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Device File: MicroLoops_1.5.1.amxd


this plugin rox
thanks thanks thanks
Hello frosty! I'm glad you like it
Looks great and very inspiring. Good job, congratulations. Thanks so much, dric.
hello calculon! Thank you for your compliment.
hey, great device !!!

I just realized that the volume is a bit lower, if you switch the patch on, even if no effect is working ...

hello bassfucker, Yes it is true indeed, I am soon going to correct it.

seems like the sequncer has stopped running here for me. maybe it happened with new max update or is this specific to my setup ? - excelent plugin btw!
oops my bad , worked when I pressed stop and returned to start of timeline , nevermind.
wow, great, thanx!
Lovin' it.
But how do i map microloops to controller?
Midimap in ableton doesnt let me do it. Just some parameters but not the little white dots of 'saved loops'...?
gotta map key range to tiny preset dropdown.
works perfect now with midi fighter :-)
Hello, sorry, I was no longer come here. I'm glad you solved the problem
so simple to use and great.
thank you
thx for your comment... I'm glad you use it ^^
dric, great device!

Guess it's the Max update, but Ableton doesn't save the multislider settings, neither when saving them in the preset object.

Tried a lot of options, but can't seem to get that working..

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