Device Details
Name | Version: | Snare Synth 2.0 |
Author: | opticon93 |
Device Type: | Instrument |
Description: | Hi, This is a totally revamped version of my original Snare Synth. It is loosely adapted from the SOS article It has a 111Hz Triangle wave that is frequency shifted by 176Hz and 224hz. There is a Triangle knob to mix between these two. It also has two Sine waves at 180Hz and 330Hz with a Sine knob to mix between these. The Sines and the Triangles each have a dedicated Amp Envelope. In addition, there is a Mix knob to blend between the Triangles and Sines. These 4 oscillators make up the Drum body which has a dedicated volume knob. The Noise source can be either White or Pink with a Lo, Hi, Notch Or Band Pass Filter, with standard controls plus a dedicated Amp Envelope. The Filter can have either 12db or 24db slope. There is a separate knob to adjust the volume of the Noise source. Enjoy |
Live Version Used: | 11.2.7 |
Max Version Used: | 8.5.2 |
Date Added: | Nov 14 2017 08:34:16 |
Date Last Updated: | Jan 27 2023 19:52:46 |
Downloads: | 1168 |
ⓘ License: | AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike |
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Device File: | My Snare.amxd |
Like the range of sounds. But the Noise Filter Cutoff knob won't turn. Is there something in the patch keeping it frozen at 2.41khz
Posted on November 14 2017 by chaircrusher |
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Hi, I've tried it on two different computers. It is a bit too Hi res, but it works. Try using the CTRL button when you turn it.
Posted on November 14 2017 by opticon93 |
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