Device Details


Name | Version: Mini-Sample 1.2
Author: opticon93
Device Type: Instrument
Description: Hi folks, Live 10 is great!!!! One of the great things is how so many of the new devices can be easily upgraded with additional circuits.

I augmented the built-in "DS Sampler" with a filter (9 types, including Lowpass) after the overdrive/downsample Shaper thing (not to be confused with the other Live10 Shaper).

The Resonance is flat at 1. Above 1 gives "Peaks" at the Cutoff/Center frequency and below 1 makes "Dips".

I also messed around with the sample display. For example, it shows the number of milliseconds at the top.

Most Importantly, it shows the name of the Sample you dropped on it!!!!


Update: I added a Play button to trigger the sample. That way, you can hear it before connecting up the midi.


Live Version Used: 10.0.1
Max Version Used: 8.0
Date Added: Mar 22 2018 23:39:09
Date Last Updated: Apr 09 2018 00:08:21
Downloads: 552
License: AttributionNonCommercialShareAlike
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Device File: Mini-Sample.amxd


Hello, Im very new to this stuff so I dont know how hard this is to program, but I wanted to know if you could add the ability to load a folder instead of just a sample? So you could essentially drop a folder of sounds on the plugin and be able to click a button to load the next available sound in the folder? Theres another plugin that already does this called drumfolder, but his uses a pitch stretching sampler that Im not that fond of. Thanks for responding!
I'm sure its possible, but everything is tricky in Max/Live. There are so many ways to do things correctly in Max, but there are a lot more ways to do things incorrectly. For example, with many of the methods I've tried, I usually run into problems with the sample list not being saved when you reload the live set or there can be problems with the associated envelopes for each sample and a whole host of unexpected details that occur with each method.

Nevertheless, I will try because it does sound useful, but don't hold your breath.
Check out my new Many-Sample :

You can drop folders of samples onto it.

This one loads all of the samples into RAM

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