Device Details


Name | Version: Simple Rungler 1.0
Author: Razzkazz
Device Type: Instrument
Description: Original Max code by Johan van Kreij, Based on a design by Rob Hordijk.

A simple rungler sound generator port to M4L.

Happy to get feedback, update ideas, etc. I have never used a Rungler so if anyone has any comments on its operation I would be happy to hear from you. Obviously a digital rungler looses the magic of an analog version but hopefully some with find this fun.

A sub-audio rate modulation version is available here;


The toggle box in the top left corner - When on audio output will mute/unmute when playback stops/starts. Otherwise audio is always on.


Live Version Used: 10.0.1
Max Version Used: 7.3.4
Date Added: Mar 26 2018 17:45:47
Date Last Updated: Mar 26 2018 17:57:03
Downloads: 651
License: AttributionShareAlike
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Device File: Simple Rungler 1.0.amxd


Well... I guess it's time to find out what the hell a Rungler is.
Indeed! There's a explanation of it here, albeit for the hard module circuit. It's also part of a Benjolin module, if that doesn't confuse things further ;)
Somenone made a very nice version of this for Max in Gen and I tried to port it to MFL without success, I can't understand why...
I am guessing this is the same code, I got it from the Max forum :)
I love it! The ability to use it with midi notes would be great.

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