Device Details


Name | Version: fretpad 3rd 1.1
Author: herrmutt
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: this is an over easy harmony launch pad device.
this device was originally posted by Zealousy.

this is a version increase by minor and major third in place of semitones.

major are the 4 bottom lines.
minor are the 4 higher lines.

a modulo12 option is available, you should try to play with 2 fretpad3rd, one regular, and one mod12 for a mono basline.

minor part inspired by

who like Tetris should love this.


Live Version Used: 8.2.1
Max Version Used: 5.1.7
Date Added: Dec 21 2010 13:49:34
Date Last Updated: No Updates
Downloads: 567
License: None
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Device File: fretpad_3rd_V1.1.amxd


YESSSS! very cool live tool.

the part with the modulo12 option I dont understand! ? is this a extra patch, or is it the opposite from "regular-option"???

if you consider this list for "regular output" :

C1 D2 G4 F0

with the mod 12 you get:

C1 D1 G1 F

i use modulo mode to keep in one octave the bass-line extracted from my chords.

on trak one, put fret3rd in regular mode + operator (poly)

on trak 2 a fret3rd in mod12 mode folowed by your great Midi-Mono-ddg.mono in LO mode. + operator + gate.

on trak 3 a fret3rd in mod12 mode folowed by Midi-Mono-ddg.mono il HI mode + operator + gate.

open the two gates by different drums side-chaining.

ps: delaying side chain signal is dope.

looks great! :D

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