Device Details


Name | Version: Y.A.B.E. Yet Another Blofeld Controller 1.0
Author: Dibek
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: It´s a Blofeld Controller for Push2 with bidirectional communication, change a parameter on the Blofeld and it will be reflected on the Push and vice versa.

Version History:
Added a Filter Link Button and Offset for Filter 2 Cutoff Control, both Filters Cutoff can now be controlled by one Knob on Push.
Added dump request from push, by selecting the track y.a.b.e. is on the User Button will start blinking, push it to request the sound currently active on the Blofeld.

Added preset save for performance page

Create a miditrack, load Y.A.B.E. Listener device, set midi in from Blofeld, set midi out to Blofeld, set monitor to "in".
Read what it says on the device, setup your Blofeld accordingly.

Create another miditrack, load Y.A.B.E. device, set Midi from Push, Midi to Blofeld.

Hit the grey circle, your current sound will be loaded and the controls on the Push will show the values on your Blofeld.
The Modmatrix has to be set on the maxforlive device, modulationintensity can be set from Push.

Performance Page: Select up to 8 controls you´d like to have on the first page, click create. use the preset system to save more configurations.

Have Fun!

Note: The Blofeld can act strange if bombarded with sysex and it can lead to the Blofeld crashing.

Live 10 only because of heavy sysex use.
No Multimode

Planned for updates:
invoke performance presets on the Push
All Envelope-modes, currently only ADSR.
Mapping of Keytrack (Osc and Filter)
Oscillator Common Section.
Eventually i´ll populate the GUI with all Controls so that people without Push can use it too or someone on here does it, all controls are already in the patch and just need to be made visible and arranged.


Live Version Used: 10.0.3
Max Version Used: 8
Date Added: Oct 29 2018 20:29:32
Date Last Updated: Mar 11 2019 22:49:01
Downloads: 630
License: Attribution
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Thanks so much for sharing this, it's working perfectly so far
thanks, good to hear :)

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