Device Details


Name | Version: BoethianVengeance 1.0
Author: byebyeempire
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: At its heart, BoethianVenegeance!!! is a midi sequencer.

All you gotta know is this: I was toying around with the idea of building a Euclidean sequencer. As I understand them (which is… uh… basically not at all) they usually involve defining an arbitrary number of beat subdivisions over a measure??? or something??? yeah???

ANYWAY I figured that’s cool BUT WHAT IF instead of setting integer steps (because that seems hard) we set the division based on frequency? That’d give us a ton of finely tuned, off the grid control over our polyrhythmic mess! Eureka!

The frequency setting is based on whatever the bpm is — “1 Hz” will spit out quarter notes. I figured it’s easier to think of it this way because, say you want 1/8th notes instead, they're going to be ~twice~ as ~fast~ no matter the tempo (I'm sure there's probably a better way to express that, but we all know what I mean (and if I’m not making any sense, just play around with the thing)).

The note setting is for — surprise surprise — setting the note value. Oh, by the way, we have 12 notes you can spit out with this thing. Why 12? idk.

The ??? setting is… OK here’s the story: I wanted to implement ~swing~ on top of all this subdivided, butyraceous goodness, ‘cause who doesn’t like a little bit of swing, right? So I’m just minding my own business, checking out the forums for ways to implement this and wow — BIG MISTAKE. Let’s just say there’s been some, um, ~spirited~ discussion over there throughout the years about what swing is and if computers can actually implement this human fueled musical vibe and and and…. AND there were a couple different ways to do it SO basically what I know is this: I’ve added… something… to this patch. COULD be swing, could also NOT be swing. You’ll see I’ve added some tasty words that tbh describe what it does even better anyway. 🤷‍♂️

The on/off buttons are for turning the stream of midi notes on or off. What a concept!

The global controls include setting Live’s bpm, the duration of the midi notes, and the velocity of the midi notes. Easy peasy.

I’ve also added what I’m calling THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE!!! This wheel spins and shows you where each note is at! Cool! Note: the wheel does not take into account any ??? you add — sorry, not sorry! YOU figure it out! I sure as hell couldn’t.

Lastly, you’ll see I’ve added a toggle to turn ~fortune~ on and off. Here’s the thing: it could be GOOD fortune. Possibly, it is BAD fortune. I don’t know, and it doesn’t actually affect the patch. I just added it because I thought it would be funny. Not, like, haha funny, you know? But to tie in with this whole Boethian theme I’ve got going on here (I wasn’t going to go with an Euclidean theme when I don’t know jack about that lol). So maybe toggling this on will bring you good fortune, maybe bad — whom among us can say for sure? Truly the only thing we CAN claim is that sometimes we’re on top of the wheel, sometimes we’re getting crushed along the bottom (like when Boethius was imprisoned? (perhaps unjustly?? (hence the vengeance???))).

The only constant is flux.

Happy patching!

@BrianBuchanan57 ✌️


Live Version Used: 9.7.7
Max Version Used: 8.0.6
Date Added: Jun 25 2019 23:14:33
Date Last Updated: Aug 29 2019 04:52:44
Downloads: 914
License: AttributionShareAlike
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Device File: BoethianVengeance!!!.amxd


Great writeup, made me laugh a lot!! I give you 10/10 for comedy. Now I'm going to try your sequencer :-)

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