Device Details


Name | Version: IntroVerseChorusOutro 1.0
Author: opticon93
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Hi Folks,

This midi device is similar to my Chord Control Center (CCC) which sequences the Key, Scale and Degree of all of the Proletarian (monophonic) and Progenerator (polyphonic) sequencers in your Live set that have the associated bright orange light On.

In the same way, this device sequences the Intro, Verse, Chorus, Outro (IVCO) of all of the Proletarian and D1Proc11 sequencers in your Live set. This happens when the associated bright orange button is On for those sequencers.

Overall, the IVCO can control the Proletarian's and D1Proc11's, while the CCC can control the Proletarian's and Progenerator's. Put another way:

The D1Proc11 can be controlled by the IVCO

The Proletarian can be controlled by the IVCO and the CCC.

The Progenerator can be controlled by the CCC

Note: There should only be 1 (one) IVCO in your Live set. Its probably best to keep it near the only CCC allowed in a set.

Here are some of my related Sequencer devices:


Live Version Used: 10.0.1
Max Version Used: 8
Date Added: Aug 04 2019 02:18:48
Date Last Updated: Aug 04 2019 04:48:18
Downloads: 519
License: None
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Device File: IntroVerseChorusOutro.amxd

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