Device Details


Name | Version: Transport Widget MCV 2.3
Author: Pip
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Transport Widget - Midi Control Version

After the success of Transport Widget V1 I was approached by a forum member to build this variation of the transport widget. Although very specific in function, I have posted it here in case anyone else finds it useful.

What does it do?
It monitors midi input on a channel and on receipt of a specific MIDI message it will then make the transport jump to a specific locator position.

Depending on the mode defined by the mode button, the trigger to jump can be either
(MN) a MIDI note value,
(CC) a controller value,
(PC) a program change value.

When in CC mode the controller number the widget monitors is defined by the value entered in the Set MIDI CC Number box. This is ignored when in MN or PC mode.

When detected the MIDI note, Controller Value or Program Change number will then be taken as the place that the widget will jump to amongst the various named locator positions. These are the little flags in the scrub area at the top of the arrangement view window.

The mapping of these values to a locator position is defined and explicit in the locator name itself.
For example a locator name “ 6 – This is the place to go to” will be the place the widget will jump to when it detects a value 6.

The locator naming convention or syntax is simple and in the form a 1 2 or 3 digit number at the beginning of the locator name followed by a “-“minus sign e.g. “nnn-some text”
Spaces are ignored, as are values above 127. If duplicate locator values are found, usually the last name created will take priority.

The “Rescan Locators” button does what it says on the tin. If you have added or deleted any locators, then hit this button to refresh the value to locator mappings. I was asked to make this a manual button to minimise CPU usage, rather than continually checking for any changes in locator names.

I hope you find it useful.
As usual let me know if you find any bugs.


Live Version Used: 9.7.7
Max Version Used: 7.3.5
Date Added: Jan 20 2020 21:43:11
Date Last Updated: Jan 20 2020 21:51:30
Downloads: 403
License: None
Average Rating (1)

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Device File: PipsTransportWidgetMCV.amxd


Thank you again Pip for building this device for me. It is crucial link between all my livesets and my controller.

For anyone wondering why I'd request such a specific device:
I have a single liveset that contains all instruments/tracks/settings for all songs I play in a given band. All placed in arrangement mode. Using automation lanes to change macros/chain selectors between songs. Each track is marked sequentially with locator.
On the hardware side of things, I use an RJM Mastermind GT10, which has a preset built for each song, and upon selecting a preset, will fire the corresponding PC (or CC) number for the locator in Live. This way, I can navigate the entirety of the set without ever needing to look at the computer.

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