Device Details
Name | Version: | Turing Machine 3.1 |
Author: | mindlesstrx |
Device Type: | MIDI Effect |
Description: | Based on Music Thing Modules' Turing machine and Volts / Pulses Expander. If you like this device, please consider a donation via Gumroad: * Generate MIDI note patterns through three engines and morph them with a touch of randomness. * Use the Volts engine to modulate any parameter in live and / or provide note velocities. * Use the Pulses engine to control the gate or set up a drum machine pattern. * Send the MIDI output of any part of the module to any other track using the Turing Machine Mapper, available here: * Use Live's clock or create your own arbitrary clock pulses / velocities by using a MIDI pattern as input |
Live Version Used: | 10.0.7 |
Max Version Used: | 8.1.0 |
Date Added: | Feb 11 2020 12:19:58 |
Date Last Updated: | May 04 2020 16:33:00 |
Downloads: | 11156 |
ⓘ License: | None |
Average Rating
(4) Log in to rate this device |
5 |
Device File: | Turing Machine 3.1.amxd |
Is it supposed to sync with the Ableton clock? It doesn't seem to be syncing.
Posted on February 15 2020 by robschoen |
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Hi Rob - It should sync with the clock. What behaviour are you seeing?
Hatyn - fixed the SVG. Can you give me more info about the number change you had to make and why?
Hatyn - fixed the SVG. Can you give me more info about the number change you had to make and why?
Posted on February 15 2020 by mindlesstrx |
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when i open the device, i see a lot of weird looking cases which cover the descriptions of the functions. Do you know what to do? Should i use a specific version of Ableton live? Mine is 10.1
Posted on February 17 2020 by roman747 |
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Mindlesstrx - Volts modulations weren't automating parameters of devices high enough - 100% knob value on a Volt step would be 50% on the Analog device filter cutoff for example, so I just edited the max value of the Volt knob to some extreme.
Posted on February 18 2020 by hatyn |
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Mindless - actually its more like 0-113hz on the Analog cutoff when a Volt step is 0-100 and the cut off value goes from 0-22,000hz . Maybe the automation is sending actual parameter value and not a percentage. I haven't studied the device long.
Posted on February 18 2020 by hatyn |
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Mindless - I changed the /500. to /100. in this version. Why is it /500 originally? Maybe its mapping to a cv or something? It seems to work well with Ableton devices with this edit though.
Posted on February 18 2020 by hatyn |
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just adding a note for stuff i would add - smooth/average controls of Volts and Pulse mapping (perhaps with latch mode)
Posted on February 18 2020 by hatyn |
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Hatyn- The maximum output of the Volts module is 500. Up to 100 for each of the Pots. That's why I divide by 500. But as you've noticed it's very rare top reach this high, sine the pots would all have to be maxed out and you'd have to have Bits 1-5 all at 1 in the original sequence. Perhaps I should normalise it to the max of the 5 current pot settings rather than the theoretical max of the pots.
Re: the suggestions I agree. Will look at that.
PS - just uploaded a new version with a couple bug fixes and loop lengths less than 8.
Re: the suggestions I agree. Will look at that.
PS - just uploaded a new version with a couple bug fixes and loop lengths less than 8.
Posted on February 18 2020 by mindlesstrx |
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Roman747- can you share more details? Should work fine in Live 10.1 (that's what I am on)
Posted on February 18 2020 by mindlesstrx |
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mindless - ah all clear!
Posted on February 19 2020 by hatyn |
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Thanks very much. Its working fine for me. I am on 10.1.7
I'm enjoying playing with it also using scale and other midi devices.
I'm enjoying playing with it also using scale and other midi devices.
Posted on February 22 2020 by zenke |
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multiple instances of the device seem to interfere. haven't checked under the hood but probably something to do with the send/receive variable names. Pretty sure there is a way to generate a unique id per instance on device load in ableton. Need to do that for one of my own things, so will check it and update you.
Posted on March 10 2020 by hatyn |
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think i got it. the s/r pairs should have --- before the variable and not --
Posted on March 10 2020 by hatyn |
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Seems like it is time to upload v2.0 which has these fixes and a few more features. Enjoy!
Posted on March 10 2020 by mindlesstrx |
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Posted on March 10 2020 by hatyn |
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I have not been able to use it and have weird boxes that don't respond, nothing responds actually. Can anyone help, please? Cheers.
Posted on March 21 2020 by hatari |
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Hi hater - what version of Max and Live are you using? Feel free to hit me up at with a screenshot.
Posted on March 21 2020 by mindlesstrx |
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Sorry about the auto-correct. That should say Hatari!
Posted on March 21 2020 by mindlesstrx |
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Looks like the issue some people are seeing with labels not rendering is a bug in earlier versions of live 10.1. Upgrade to latest version 10.1.9 and all should be good.
Posted on March 28 2020 by mindlesstrx |
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Thanks for the device! Is there a way to map the pulses or 'out' to another track? What I love about the Eurorack or VCV version is patching drums from the pulses and modulation or pitch from the volts and the CV out and just using the random knob as a macro
Posted on April 27 2020 by crabface |
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Not right now. I'll add a little modulation map that allows the midi notes from each device to be sent to any Live track. Will probably take me a week or so.
Posted on April 28 2020 by mindlesstrx |
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Amazing, can't wait for that! thank you
Posted on April 28 2020 by crabface |
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Updated! Check it out. You'll need to update and to download the mapper from here:
Posted on May 04 2020 by mindlesstrx |
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amazing, thanks Alex!
Posted on May 04 2020 by crabface |
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This is similar to those euclidean sequencers. Not bad.
Posted on October 07 2020 by Syn |
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not fully understanding what the Volts do – particularly what the fader dials do there. any help? otherwise loving it!
Posted on December 06 2020 by konzepte |
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Volts takes the 5 lowest bits and converts them into a value between 0 and 127 by multiplying each bit by the corresponding fader dial.
Posted on December 06 2020 by mindlesstrx |
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I see that you can't midi map min/max. I was hoping to map these to my controller to make an offset, so for instance I'd I am modulating the decay of a hi-hat, I could use the offset to reduce the amount of modulation coming from the TM, and control it manually. Is there a way to do this? Thanks!
Posted on October 25 2022 by CountDooku |
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Hi, first of all, really great device, thx! Now, i would like to add a couple of more measures for the lenght, ii went inside the inspector, and added the number in the range/enum, and saved. Now the device shows the new measures, but when i select them, it stops to works. Any advice? Thx
Posted on August 23 2023 by nu |
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Absolutely love this sequencer! Really great device.
Posted on November 27 2023 by miyake |
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Also when opening the device some .svg was missing
"live.text: can't find multimap-unmap.svg"