Device Details


Name | Version: LFO Chance 1.1
Author: jzjzjz
Device Type: Audio Effect
Description: Because very few LFO's have a chance function, and I like certain things to happen only once in a while, or have an occurrence changing over time, I made this very basic comparison device (smaller than).

Map any LFO to it, set the Chance parameter, and the output will jump to first mapping value if the LFO is above Chance, and the second value if below.

Useful to activate certain devices every now and then, or as a tool in more complex algorithmic setups.

Also includes a mappable bypass toggle.

For whatever you think it's worth:


Live Version Used: 10.0.1
Max Version Used: 7.3.5
Date Added: May 15 2020 17:08:06
Date Last Updated: Jun 06 2020 16:18:50
Downloads: 842
License: None
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Device File: LFO Chance 1.1.amxd


See my comment on your other LFO object for the solution to your bypass button issue.

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