Device Details


Name | Version: Clip Length Recorder 1.0
Author: NickHydeViolin
Device Type: MIDI Effect
Description: Video:

The Clip Length Recorder automatically records a clip of fixed length by automatically triggering it after a certain amount of time. Simply turn the dial and select the length to automatically record a new clip to.

This device has two modes: Automatic and Button
Automatic Mode: This detects if a clip is recording within the track the device is loaded onto. Once a clip is recording, the device's progress bar begins. Once the progress bar ends, it triggers the clip to stop recording.
Button Mode: When in button mode, a button will appear that is Key/MIDI mappable. Hitting this button causes a clip to record in the currently selected clipslot, and the device will automatically trigger the clip to stop recording.

Notes/potential issues for advanced users:

[Global Quantization should be set at 1 bar] This device triggers a clip to stop recording at the beginning of the last bar. This means that if set this device to automatically record 1 bar, and have global quantization set at 4, you'll get a clip of 4 bars.

[Button mode clogs the undo history] Triggering Key/MIDI mappable buttons in any Max for Live device clogs the undo history. There is no easy fix, and this is a long known issue in Max for Live devices. If you are a developer and have a workaround, please message me I will pay you lol seriously.

[Automated changes in tempo/time signature] This device will work with a variety of tempos and time signatures, however, if you are automating changes in time signature/tempo over time, this device might not quite work properly. This device works by calling the current time signature and tempo when a clip is recording, and calculating time to wait before a clip gets triggered, so if you're automating tempo/time signature changes over the recording time of a clip, it might not work as expected


Live Version Used: 10.0.1
Max Version Used: 7.3.5
Date Added: Jul 08 2020 03:14:56
Date Last Updated: Jul 13 2020 19:34:40
Downloads: 0
License: Commercial
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